President Biden Misuse of the Sign of the Cross

I find that our “devout Catholic” President uses the sign of the Cross in mock political gestures to be appalling. This is the core symbol and fact of the Christian family of faith. This precious sign of salvation should not be used as a political joke by this addle-brained clown of a President.


Seems like an inspiration from the devil.
It is horrible the way he and Dr. Jill use the Rosary as a prop.


The Church is too big,too many people in it that are no more Catholic than my neighbor’s dog…

I blame the Bishops (I know I should not criticize them) but but some are not fullfilling their duty. One of their duties is to correct their sheep (especially if they are in the limelight like the Bidens) and they remain silent. I don’t know if they are afraid to upset the applecart but they must do what must be done. By remaining silent, they are giving their sheep the impression that these Catholics In Name Only are doing fine and dandy and many souls could be lost because of their silence. Much responsibility is given to them and much will be demanded, and they will be judged accordingly. What excuse will they give Jesus when they meet Him? Shudder the thought.

God Bless


It is a disgrace. It’d be less of an insult if he didn’t continue to refer to himself as a practicing Catholic. His wrongful actions prove otherwise.


How about praying for him instead of complaining?


Biden is not a devout Catholic. CINO. I pray for all those Roman Catholics in our government who are not following the teachings of Jesus Christ. :pray:t2::heart_on_fire::dove:


For him, being a “devout Catholic,” it’s entirely appropriate. He’s a mock Catholic, a mock president, so why not mock the Faith he claims to love in service to the anti-Catholic / anti-Christian agenda he truly serves?


I think Politics in the Church divides the Church. We should be Catholic Christians first and our Politics must come second. Too many have made their Politics their Religion.

Our current President is a poor example of what it means to be Catholic. Our Vice-President is a poor example of what it means to be Catholic. Sometimes we, ourselves, are a poor example of what it means to be a Catholic Christian. I feel bad for individuals who voted for Joseph Biden, but I also understand why they found President Trump to be a poor example of what it means to be a Christian. I voted for Dr. Jo Jorgensen.

I am a Libertarian. What led me to libertarianism was a short book written by a Catholic named Frédéric Bastiat. Though, “The Law” is not a book about Catholicism, it is a book worth reading. He wrote the booklet in the 1850’s to convince French Citizens that involuntary Socialism is not the way to go.

Another book that I enjoyed is titled, “Free is Beautiful” by Randy England (also a Catholic Christian).

Tom Woods, the author of, “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization” is also a Libertarian.

I know that this is not a thread about Libertarianism, but I would like to share some exciting news that happened at the last Libertarian Party Convention. Something that I never thought could happen. Pro-life Libertarians were able to remove the pro-choice/pro-life plank from our National Platform! The former plank tried very hard to cater to the different viewpoints on this issue, but fell short from our pro-life point of view. Though there currently are more pro-choice Libertarians in the LP, more pro-life members showed up to the Convention. So, as long as pro-life individuals show up, we can keep growing the pro-life movement within the LP.

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Can we do both? You are right, perhaps we should send our issue to the WH and if enough people send, maybe he will stop this terrible practice.
But, sometimes complaining is where change becomes initiated.


Biden has not been Catholic in decades. He is probably not even Christian.

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I agree, but he tries to score political points off of his claim of Catholicism

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Keep in mind our country has been compromised, Religion of all time sis being tested to it’s core. It is time that the church make it clear they cannot recieve communion, due to their support of abortion.


He shouldn’t be allowed including Pelosi as well. They all need to be banned, just because he is so called President doesn’t give him any special rights to break the Cannon Law. This is the responsibilty of our Church to excercise that understanding .


We can pray for him, but also point out where his actions are antithetical to our faith.


Please show the utmost respect for the Holy Father! Too many are so quick to berate, criticize, and judge him. If you do not agree with what he has to say, please ask yourself first if you have the qualifications to condemn him. Remember, he is the Vicar of Christ and deserves our respect and obedience. I don’t recall anything he has requested of God’s People to go against our faith and conscience. Please refrain from the endless “pointing out his faults.” Pray for his continued conversion and the necessary strength to serve the Body of Christ. Use these days of Lent to examine your conscience. Am I at fault for berating my lawful superior—4th Commandment? I have heard my fill of self-righteous, negative people who wish to tear down rather than build up.

Pray for Pope Francis, our Bishops, and Priests! I wouldn’t want their job. Too many complainers here, in my opinion.

Yes, Pope Francis needs our prayers; he has many problems. On the other hand, President Biden brings onto himself many of his own problems- such as misusing the sign of the Cross. Blessings.

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It would be right and correct for him to be excommunicated until he repents and follows the faith. he is a scandal.

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I do Pray for Pope Francis’ conversion. I used to be one who would defend him, “What he really meant was…” I can no longer in good conscience do this. He says all the right things on the record, but all the wrong things off the record. This is very snake-like. He would make a great politician, but he does not make for a good Pope. We should Pray for our political leaders (and this includes Pope Francis ; )

What is really sad is that this thread will get more responses than any other more important thing in this world than how bad of a Catholic an elected politician is. It is almost like we have been programmed by the duopoly to make our politics our Religion.

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Please “excuse” our President Biden for making a mockery of Catholic faith. Ignore sinner !