Do not make Idols of Politicians!

Anyone who knows me knows that I admire Ron Paul for speaking truth, when it is unpopular to do so. But, he is not God. He was right about many things (warning about inflation, and what leads to future wars), but he is not a Prophet.

Barack Obama ran on “Hope & Change” and many treated him like their Savior, but we have a Savior, Jesus, who is truly Hope and brings forth conversion.

We let politicians shut down our Churches during a time of fear, when we needed God most! (Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 23:4; 46:1-3; 91:1-2; John 14:27) We gave to Caesar what belongs to God (Mark 12:17). We served two masters (Matthew 6:24).

I caution anyone who gets involved in politics to not make their politics their religion. Why are Churches dividing and splintering today? Historically this happened because of disagreements about theology, but today, most of the divisions are right down Party lines. Too many Christians have made idols of their politics.

We often point out the sinful behavior of the faction(s) we disagree with, while overlooking the immoral behavior of those in our own faction(s). Why do we justify certain behaviors; because the other side did it first? We should expect better of those we agree with (Proverbs 27:17).

This election season, do not let politics divide us, but rather love and Pray for your political opponents (Matthew 5:44).

And remember that Christ is truly King (and not some political slogan). And there is, but one God we serve (Exodus 20:3-6; Jeremiah 14:22).

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This is so totally true.

It’s quite ironic when Ds accuse Republicans of worshiping Trump… then act like Kamala is the 2nd coming! This is particularly disturbing considering… well, check out the You Tube video called Can Kamala Recover from this Judge? Judge Joe Brown knew her and says such things as: There were 1200 indictments against corrupt bankers and Kamala dismissed those cases for political reasons. On the other hand, she prosecuted and sent to jail many Black men (she is not Black herself) for simple marijuana possession! As Trump would say She’s a beauty…

So the never-thinking leftists accuse Rs of idol worship of Trump and voila’
must be so!
Most people who vote for Trump are Christians and worship Jesus Christ. Those who think we put Trump over Jesus are insulting us and frankly, I’m tired of it. Meanwhile, the left worships child sacrifice, worships lawlessness. . power. They are letting illegals into our country just so they can have more D voters. Did you hear about the sign D elites had at the border? (this was b4 the oh-so-democratic-process of KH being coronated) “Don’t forget to vote for biden” Just wow…

I watched that interview with Judge Joe Brown the other day and it was hilarious! They asked him one question. “What do you think of Kalama” and he went on for twenty minutes about how bad he thinks she is : )

And if your comments about “never-thinking leftists” is in reference to me, I am not a Democrat. I am a right-leaning, non-authoritarian Libertarian if you have to put a label on it. My philosophy falls somewhere between a Minarchis, Rothbardian, and Voluntarist. There are two major factions within the LP currently, the Classical Liberals (formerly the Pragmatist Caucus) and the Mises Caucus. Though I tend to be more in agreement with the later, I am not a puppet. I am also in the Libertarian Party Christian Caucus, as well as the Libertarian Pro-Life Caucus.

Prior to discovering Frédéric Bastiat, I was a neo-Con. I’ve never been on the Left. And just because I do not agree with the Right, does not mean that I am a Leftist. When I was in the left vs. right bubble; Republicans vs. Democrats bubble, I used to think in the binary like you do. But, since become a libertarian, I have discovered that we can disagree one some things and agree on others. We can disagree and that is okay, as long as I’m not forcing you to be like me and you to be like me. This does not mean that we cannot try to persuade one another of our point of view, but I do not hate you for not agreeing with me. You are only my enemy if you want to use government to force me to be like you.

I also discovered that much of what Republicans claim to believe in, they do not actually practice. When a Democrat says they want to fund abortions, I believe them. Their actions speak louder than their words. When Republicans tell me that they want smaller government and a balanced budget, I do not believe them. They have not shown that they can be responsible, with the exception of a few more libertarian-leaning Representatives (like Thomas Massie and Justin Amash).

Oh wow! Life on Earth is not perfect! People are not perfect! People sin! What a shocker! I try to live in Reality as much as possible. The alternative is scary… The reality is that we have 2 choices. Jesus is not running. Mary is not running. No saint is running. Again, to decline to vote for the most pro-life and pro-Christian candidate is to give a vote to the one who is NEITHER.