Did God have a hand in Trump's win?

Trump’s triumph seemed miraculous. He is so much bettef than the alternative was and I do sense a deepened faith this time around.
Wondering if anyone else agrees?

I like to think so. God works in mysterious ways and you never know who he will pick to do different things.

To me if he moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he took us off the negotiation table for peace between Islam and the Jews.

Seems like we’re backing Israel in a political war between Palestine and Israel and the Jews say they are fighting a holy war with Islam. How should we stand?

I argue that I do not believe God actively willed Pope Francis to be our Pope. I believe the majority of Cardinals were not listening to the Holy Spirit, but were guided by their own desires.

Likewise, I do not believe that President Trump was re-elected by the Holy Spirit. I believe God allowed it to be in His permissive will, but not His active will. And not to mention, Kamala was just bad. Everyone who claimed to like her was pretending to like her. Whereas, those who love Trump pretty much worship him.

In full disclosure, I did not vote for Kamala, nor could I vote for Trump, but I know many Libertarians who did vote for Trump for the reasons that we are seeing. Elon is retweeting Libertarians ideas. Trump came to our Convention and said that he would put a Libertarian in his cabinet if Libertarians supported. Most Libertarians do not consider Viviek (who also came to our Convention) a Libertarian, but Trump probably does. RFK Jr. also came to our Convention and is (on paper) a life-time member of the National Libertarian Party, so technically Trump would be keeping his word if he puts Robert Kennedy in charge of National Health (which is a department that is by default, not libertarian). President Trump also said that he would #FreeRoss on Day One if we support him (we’ll see if he does this or if this was just talk).

Trump won, not because God actively willed it, but because he got about half of RFK Jr’s supporters and about half of the Libertarian Party’s support. And over half of the Catholic vote. Kamal was on the wrong side of Covid, the wrong side of Liberty, and the wrong side of Life. She was not on the side of God, so you could kind of say that God had something to do with this Election, though I think the Media’s lies had more to do with why many voted the way they did.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe God can actively will outcomes in our lives (we can theorize how God does this, based on Scripture, tradition, and analyzing our own lives), but I do not believe this election was decided by God actively willing it. Feel free to explain why you think I’m wrong. I like talking both politics and religion and I don’t get mad when someone has a differing opinion.

To me if one has to judge one cannot vote.
And can one not vote?
We cannot judge.

I support your right not to vote : )

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I think that a majority of the American people chose Trump. I don’t think that God chose Trump, and I did not vote for him (I voted for Peter Sonski of the American Solidarity Party). The people who voted for Harris must in general be OK with unrestricted abortion, since that seemed to be her main issue. “Hands off chemical abortion and IVF” did not seem to be as prominent in Trump’s campaign, but those who voted for him must, in general, have been aware of his position and presumably accept it. That would indicate that between Trump and Harris voters, the vast majority of American voters are not really against most abortions (chemical abortions seem to be the majority of American abortions nowadays). If we do not judge individual candidates as to their consciences and their salvation, we still can judge their suitability for public office and the morality of their campaign positions.

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Trump stands up for conservative values, which are basically Christian values. The Democrats on the other hand, were destroying this country. So yes, I think God put Donald Trump where he is for the benefit of the nation, and God’s people.

Thanks for the input guys. Interesting points.
By no means is Trump a saint. But I could not throw my vote away to make a point. He is the better of two evils. And in kamala’s case REAlly evil!

This is debatable. The Republican Party (under Trump), no longer stands for Pro-Life (according to the changes to their platform at their Convention). Many Republicans are now accepting of the homosęxuąl lifestyle and promote contraception. In my opinion (and you are free to disagree) there is little “conservative” about Trump’s new conservatism. Conservatism has become what Democrats were 30 years ago. The only good thing about this new conservativism is that they have pushed out the neo-Cons’ pro-war stance. Again, which Democrats were the anti-war Party 30 years ago. But, this is a good move for Republicans. The more that Democrats push for funding wars, the less popular they become.

I agree, so-called Progressives are more evil, but we ought to make a point not to vote for evil (and I know there are some in the Church, even Popes, who have argued otherwise). The “lesser of two evil’s argument” has been played out, but it works on those who are enslaved by the duopoly, so it is not a bad way to manipulate and to keep those in their camp voting for them. If it’s working, don’t change it. But, like the distrust in the media, there will come a time when Republican voters will turn on their masters.

We saw the Teamsters turn on Kamala after she acted as though she was entitled to their vote. We saw how many in the black community turned on their masters after Biden acted as though he was entitled to their vote. Republicans are falling into the same trap, by assuming they are entitled to the Christian vote, while promoting unChristian things. What we need is a Ron Paul libertarian who does not promote sinful behavior while also standing up for freedom under the law, as long as your exercise of liberty does not violate the life, liberty, and private property of another (in this order).

Trump has said some libertarian things lately, especially with Elon and Vivek entering into the public discussion. This is a good thing. Neither is libertarian (nor Christian), but they are promoting some libertarian ideas. Republicans have historically talked about “reducing the size of government,” but rarely deliver.

Elon is more Pro-Life than many Christians. Now if we can get him to understand that making babies with many women is not the way. Vivek is more Christian than many Christians. Now if we can Pray for His conversion to Christ Jesus, then we would be getting somewhere. I think it is for these reasons that I do not trust either of these guys. They are saying many of the right things, but their reasoning behind what they say they stand for is slightly tilted.

I am happy that Kamala lost, but Trump is not [y]our savior. Jesus is.

Peace to all,

Stephen Andrew

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The Republican Party is focused on eliminating tax on overtime, Social Security & tips. Interest on automobile loans being deductible, a 10% cap on credit card interest rates, border security, peace & prosperity. The democrat party has shifted focus to abolishing Local Law Enforcement, hyper-inflation, feminine hygiene products in elementary school boy’s bathrooms, mediocre male athletes expropriating women’s sports scholarships, men in women’s locker rooms, pedophilia being an acceptable sexual orientation, gender changes for 4yr olds against their parents wishes, gender changes for criminals on Death Row, mass importation of dangerous violent criminal illegals killing, mugging raping and setting women on fire on NYC Subways, eating bugs to stop the sun from overheating the Earth, poverty, full-term, partial & after birth abortion and WW3.

Ron Paul did it first : )

Welcome Tom. The Republican party is the much lesser of two evils and with this party we have a chance of making some inroads on informing the country on abortion and immorality. With an independent vote we are merely making a statement that few hear. We must be practical. Wise as foxes!