Project Blue Beam is a theory that world governments will fake an Alien invasion to unite the masses against a common enemy and thus give up their sovereignty to a one world governance that will claim to save and protect you and me.
Others believe that it will not be Aliens, but rather a Religious event (like Jesus’ return). This theory seems less likely to me, because why would people turn to government and not to God if they believed it to be Jesus’ return? Unless it is designed to make individuals of Faith lose their faith in God after the scheme is revealed to have been fabricated. But, wouldn’t this also cause individuals to lose trust in government agencies as well, knowing that they attempted to manipulate them?
My question is, Who is most likely to fall for such an operation if such an operation is in the planning?
- Atheists
- Christians
- Muslims
- Jews
- Democrats
- Republicans
- College Educated
- Other