Peace to all,
“I guess it is Marxism. How did this ever come about?” Allgussiedup
He came to unite all the Fathers, through the One Son for the One Mother.
The logic becomes, “We have to mix religion and politics” or there could be contention with religion against economics or conflicts with faith against politics. Who will win, the contention could last a long time.
He came to unite the Fathers, through the One Son for th One Mother.He came to resolve the contention between two brothers Isaac and Ishmael with two different mothers, Sarah and Ishmael and a Father with two names, Abram and Abraham through one Son with one Mother from One Father for One God, making the brothers to each brothers through the blood Of One Son for all mankind. United.
And Jesus unites all Fathers, worshiping God’s with a different name that are all worship the Same God.
Logically, rationally and faithfully, politically, socially and economically, To me, Marxim is the same Caesar with a different name. Proof there is religion in politice. To unite all economic, political and social and Holy systems we have the One Mother, logically in the Trinity, Mary is God of Mercy, Mary uniting us all through the God of Justice, Jesus her Son, jesus, delivering the Trinity of the Holy Family from the Father through the Mother in the Son. Jesus delivers the Holy Family in the Trinity through The Christ, becoming again in all, logically, politically, socially and economically. This is the intelligence logic in infallible real intelligence of creation, that has always existed even before creation was ever created was even created.
The Christ is the Trinity of the Holy Family conceved from the Father through the Mother for the Son and we are all adopted sons and daughters of God, from the cross.
To me it takes a mystic to unite the common denominator of all faith based systems and to me the Common denominator is the spirit and in Catholicism the Spirit is The Holy Spirit in 3 Persons, The Father, The Mother and The Son becoming again in all one God in being.
One Holy Father Catholic Mother and Apostolic Son, One Trinity of the Body in the One Holy Spirit.
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
To me, Logically, and rationally and through Faith, Jesus’ fulfillment in the New Living Sacrifice, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God is from creation, transforming, glorifying and transfiguring the Body and saving the souls with New Flesh out of the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus’ fulfillment of morality is “Render to Caesar what is Caesars.” We know to follow the laws of the land, through the Ark of the New Covenant. Faithfully we accept the New Eve through Jesus from Mary for The Father in the One God, The Holy Family is the Trinity and the One Holy Spirit as it is on earth becoming again in all. Who do we say the Family, the “Group” is?
And it seems like I generalize this story 11 times a day, 5 people don’t get it, 5 people don’t want to hear it and one person gets it. And finally understands the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will of Creation, logically.
To me what unites is the understanding of the common denominator of all faith based systems of belief. Some see the spirit as a power of a force, perhaps an energy, but what the energy actually us, logically, rationally and faithfully is the combined powers of the Three personal Gods of the Universe in Person together as One God in Being in the One Holy Spirit.
We all ask everyone, Join us, logically, rationally, generally and faithfully.
Peace always,
Stephen Andrew