When did the rainbow flag become a religion?

When I walk by a lot of church’s I don’t go inside if they have a rainbow flag because it seems like a gay-only thing.

Same thing with BLM banners, I tend to avoid these churches because it seems like a black supremacy-only thing.

Furthermore a number of churches advertise Refugees Welcome signs because they must harbor illegal foreign criminals and I don’t want to associate with crimes.

So those three signs compromise about half the church’s in my city. They must not even be true Christians because their religion is LBTG and BLM, CRT and pro crime. To me it’s insanity.

I’ve been into a few of these churches and sure enough I found women priests who make their whole sermon about woke ideologies. I’ve walked into other churches and found the entire discussion was about making white peoples guilty and practically the entire congregation itself was whites, all self hating themselves.

Thankfully we have Roman Catholic Churches as well, but navigating any other churches seems like they literally worship rainbow flags and it has very little to do about Jesus or the Bible.

Even in my Roman Catholic Church some of the regulars are absolutely obsessed about protecting illegal foreign criminals that snuck into our country illegally. What logic is there behind this?

I guess it is Marxism. How did this ever come about?


Peace to all,

“I guess it is Marxism. How did this ever come about?” Allgussiedup

He came to unite all the Fathers, through the One Son for the One Mother.

The logic becomes, “We have to mix religion and politics” or there could be contention with religion against economics or conflicts with faith against politics. Who will win, the contention could last a long time.

He came to unite the Fathers, through the One Son for th One Mother.He came to resolve the contention between two brothers Isaac and Ishmael with two different mothers, Sarah and Ishmael and a Father with two names, Abram and Abraham through one Son with one Mother from One Father for One God, making the brothers to each brothers through the blood Of One Son for all mankind. United.

And Jesus unites all Fathers, worshiping God’s with a different name that are all worship the Same God.

Logically, rationally and faithfully, politically, socially and economically, To me, Marxim is the same Caesar with a different name. Proof there is religion in politice. To unite all economic, political and social and Holy systems we have the One Mother, logically in the Trinity, Mary is God of Mercy, Mary uniting us all through the God of Justice, Jesus her Son, jesus, delivering the Trinity of the Holy Family from the Father through the Mother in the Son. Jesus delivers the Holy Family in the Trinity through The Christ, becoming again in all, logically, politically, socially and economically. This is the intelligence logic in infallible real intelligence of creation, that has always existed even before creation was ever created was even created.

The Christ is the Trinity of the Holy Family conceved from the Father through the Mother for the Son and we are all adopted sons and daughters of God, from the cross.

To me it takes a mystic to unite the common denominator of all faith based systems and to me the Common denominator is the spirit and in Catholicism the Spirit is The Holy Spirit in 3 Persons, The Father, The Mother and The Son becoming again in all one God in being.

One Holy Father Catholic Mother and Apostolic Son, One Trinity of the Body in the One Holy Spirit.
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.

To me, Logically, and rationally and through Faith, Jesus’ fulfillment in the New Living Sacrifice, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God is from creation, transforming, glorifying and transfiguring the Body and saving the souls with New Flesh out of the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus’ fulfillment of morality is “Render to Caesar what is Caesars.” We know to follow the laws of the land, through the Ark of the New Covenant. Faithfully we accept the New Eve through Jesus from Mary for The Father in the One God, The Holy Family is the Trinity and the One Holy Spirit as it is on earth becoming again in all. Who do we say the Family, the “Group” is?

And it seems like I generalize this story 11 times a day, 5 people don’t get it, 5 people don’t want to hear it and one person gets it. And finally understands the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will of Creation, logically.

To me what unites is the understanding of the common denominator of all faith based systems of belief. Some see the spirit as a power of a force, perhaps an energy, but what the energy actually us, logically, rationally and faithfully is the combined powers of the Three personal Gods of the Universe in Person together as One God in Being in the One Holy Spirit.

We all ask everyone, Join us, logically, rationally, generally and faithfully.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

These Churches are serving two masters, which Matthew 6:24 warns against.

I have a bit of a different take on the “harboring of illegal ‘criminals’.” Sacred Scripture speaks about how we as Christians aught to treat “aleans” (and it is not talking about little green men from outer space). The Bible also has stories about individuals protecting those in hiding.

If I found out my Mexican friends whom I board game with every weekend were not here legally, it would not change how I treat them. We would still be friends and we would still be playing board games every weekend.

What I would not do is put a sign out front saying that I welcome individuals who are here illegally.

My youngest daughter’s Godmother is seeking asylum (has been trying for over twelve years) after fleeing from the Middle East. With the help of a couple, and business owners, from our Church, she has graduated from College, is teaching second grad, and loves this Country. She is one of the most joy-filled and faith-filled individuals I’ve ever met! If her visa runs out, she believes she will be sent back and will be beaten severely, if not killed by the men in culture. Every time she has an immigration hearing, the Judge pushing it back another four years. This is not cheap. It costs a lot of money for an immigration lawyer and for the immigration consultant (yes, there is such a thing). I’ve written letters to the Judge explaining why she would make an amazing citizen in any Community. I would gladly exchange her for any U.S. Citizen who takes this Country for granted.

I would caution Americans from painting all illegals as violent criminals. Yes, some are, but many are not. Republicans especially say they are about individual freedom, but when it comes to anyone they disagree with, they switch over to collectivism. As a Libertarian, I would encourage Republicans to focus on individuals who come here illegally and not lump them all into one group.

I’m not saying that it is okay to come here illegally. I am not in favor of mass amnesty from a policy perspective, but I am for an individual pardon for individuals here illegally who have support groups like a Church community and friends who will support these individuals if they can’t find work. My daughter’s Godmother came here knowing only two words of English. She has come a long way since then. Night and day.

Now let’s look at the flip-side. We had an illegal individual shoot up a local bar and killed three people (one being an off-duty police officer, a husband, and a dad). Had this individual not been here illegally (or legally), this never would have happened. We want individuals here who are high-impulse-control. We would prefer not to have individuals here who are low-impulse-control. We would prefer individuals who do not want to change the culture of America, but who want to embrace our culture of freedom, responsibility, prosperity, and values.

Japan has one of the most strict immigration policies among free-ish societies. I think I recall them saying that only 13% of their citizens are from outside the Country, and even these individuals are not granted the same privileges as born Japanese citizens (things like voting etc.) Japan tries to preserve their culture and sees this as the main way to do this. Japan is not a nation of immigrants, but rather one of tourists who admire their culture ; )

Many Democrats want to allow individuals here illegally the right to vote, which insane. If most immigrants voted Republican or Libertarian, then Democrats would be against this idea. It is not based on principle as much as it is about gaming the system for power and control over those they disagree with.

But, getting back on topic, Christian Churches need to be careful about pushing a political agenda over serving God. This is true for Democrats, for Republicans, and for Popes.


Your responses are difficult to understand.

Catholics are not supposed to be pushover, woke, weenies. We are knights and fighters.

If my wife and kids are under attack by a mob of criminals, I will defend them with vicious force.

If a bunch of thieves break into my house I will defend it especially to keep my wife and kids safe.

The USA has an estimated 55,000,000 illegal aliens living here. In the past 4 years there has been a clandestine military invasion that was organized from over 140 different countries to plop these freeloaders into western countries, also know as white countries.

I do stand alone in many regards amoung other catholic men because I am not a woke weenie who cannot stand up against the invasion.

I live in a big city with probably 1,000,000 illegal aliens and bogus asylum seekers. They robbed our city resources. Illegals are all nothing but thieves - the truth is the illegals steal from every aspect of American lives. Every single last one of these “uneducated” illegal alien know that yet all these weenie woke Americans cannot do the math? They cannot identify a thief? How crazy.

And one question about illegals: did you go buy multiple bunk beds for your home so you can bring the nice illegals in? The answer is No. you just virtue signal.

My best friend had his car smashed into by an illegal alien and it broke multiple bones. His car was destroyed and he cannot perform his job. The illegal was drunk and no insurance. Are you people stupid or something?

Are you all that naive about the world? I have traveled all around the world. The truth is a lot of “cultures” hate ours. Some cultures absolutely hate us and they are here to harm people in the western world.

Also I’ve visited over 60 countries and zero of them let me in without an identification passport. In a lot of countries they just shoot trespassers.

You should also know that people who violate our immigration and labor laws are committing felony identification theft and yes they steal jobs. They stoled tens of Millions of our jobs. They stoled entire Industries away from us. Depressed our wages. Increased our rents. And taxpayers are paying for it all because taxes are weaponized against us while they are in favor of illegal alien marauders.

I can see how females and the gays and the low testosterone beta males would be “compassionate” and allow their nation to be trampled upon, stolen and raped. But real Catholic men should never allow themselves to be duped and played such fools.

Woke is demonic. All of the language woke uses is satanic. It is nothing any Catholic should turn their blind eye to or go along with.

As for rainbow flags: they are satanic. It is a symbol of Satan. It is a symbol of Communism. Of Marxism. It is a symbol of anti-Americanism. It is a symbol of poor mental and physical health. The rainbow nonsense is spiritual contamination.

Furthermore, transvestism, people who alter their body to look like a different gender, that is demonic. Satan is transvestite.

Abortion is what satan wants. It’s not “health care”.

If you cannot learn anything from how Europe went woke then you are a lost cause. Europe was invaded by people who hate them. Europe is weaponized against it original people. Rapes are through the roof and there is nothing Europeans can do about.

If you support the illegal invasion of the USA then you are either impossibly naive and foolish or you have ethnocentric ties to illegal aliens, and you just want more invaders coming to rob, cheat steal and rape.

The gay flag pretty much sums that all up.

Peace to all,

How is all? and just off the cuff and quickly I say, just a few things here, thanks in advance.

Fiat is latin for “Let it be in the control of the One in Power.”

And to me in generalizing, is perhaps how we settle the Homeland contention, church and state, through One Mother, Mary, Queen of Heaven.

Seems like to me that He Came to resolve the contention between the brothers, from One Father through One Mother, Mary for all.

To me, Mental anger, mental hate and fear are the last three forms of incompetence.

To me, We can stop the contentions, from One Father through One Son for One Mother, Mary.

Logically, And the exact opposite of fear is …Love.

If we separate church and state we violate the filfilled One Law of God.
“Render to Caesar what is Caesars, Render to God what is Gods in fulfilled faith and morality.”

Logically, faithfully and through the Faith of Abraham, One God’s fulfilled faith and morality is “Render to Caesar what is Caesars, Render to God what is Gods in fulfilled faith and morality” becoming again to love only and to love with only the most love.

In all generalization, If we keep out people to the Homeland we are responsible for the outcome, whatever it is from the people we keep out, logically.

To me, Mental anger, mental hate and fear are the last three forms of incompetence. Logically, one does not want to be responsible for the costs incurrred.

Logically, And the exact opposite of fear is …Love.

As hard as it is to understand 3=1 using all finite disciplines of earth is as hard as it is using finite disciplines to explain the Trinity, but the Trinity is Three Gods in Persons in One God in being, logically, rationally and through the Faith of Abraham.

To me, Logically, and rationally and through Faith, Jesus’ fulfillment in the New Living Sacrifice, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God is from creation, transforming, glorifying and transfiguring the Body and saving the souls with New Flesh out of the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus’ fulfillment of morality is “Render to Caesar what is Caesars.” We know to follow the laws of the land, through the Ark of the New Covenant. Faithfully we accept the New Eve through Jesus from Mary for The Father in the One God of Fulled Love.

Be Well,

I suspect that many who have come to the United States requesting asylum are not really in need of it but are claiming it to get automatic entry. However, some people are trying to escape horribly oppressive societies. I think that the law, and we as Catholics, need to consider one person at a time and respond with justice and charity. I also think, responding to the original question, that churches that have embraced wokeness have moved away from true faith in Jesus.


I responded to you privately, as I would not want to be accused of virtue-signaling ; )

A lot of churches in my city have giant gay rainbow flags above the entrances. There is no cross or any mention of Christianity.

The BLM banners are probably bigger than the gay flags. And the vast majority of people in these BLM churches are white peoples.

A soup kitchen at a presumably Catholic Church has a giant BLM sign at the entrance line 8 feet tall, taller than the door. As the volunteers are all white and it makes no sense.

How can any person be given a job or responsibility for being a paid employee of a church or anywhere for that matter if their main goal is self hating themselves, all under the roof of a church?

It’s insanity

Another church has fliers about how white peoples are evil and whites are the biggest problem in the world, and again it’s mostly whites attending the church.

How can church leaders not be fired from employment for such things?

These churches have turned into hate programs.

Even the two Catholic Churches I attend regularly, although they do not display the rainbow (Satanic) flags, the sermons during the Biden administration were often telling about the wonderful benefits of bringing millions of illegal aliens into the country. I assume these same virtue signaling bishops will change their tunes now that a different president is coming. And the worst thing about it was none of the parishioners spoke up about the bishop promoting an illegal alien invasion, all the parishioners were tremendously weak minded and they just go along with it all. Even when I spoke to parishioners about the illegal alien invasion they looked at me like I was not there. They would stop communicating with me if you even suggest that the illegal alien invasion was a bad idea.

Don’t get me wrong about the gay stuff. The rainbow flag is not even gay anymore, it’s literally a Satanic flag. I’ve been told some Catholic priests are gay but they still do a fine job as priests.

When I see the giant BLM banners and the rainbow flags on a church it seriously hurts to see. It is mind blowing how many people sheepishly support this or the chose to be willfully ignorant.

The bishops that support criminal aliens are even worse but I guess they had no other choice??? If any big figures in the church opposed the illegal invasion then the pope or Biden would have either arrested them or lost their jobs??? I’d like to know

The same happened when the experimental vaccines were being mandated. Everyone just went along with the lies.