When I encounter a self-proclaimed Atheist, I will ask them if they believe in Aliens and almost always they will say that they do.
Because it is given to man to believe in something. If he doesn’t believe in Creator, he believes in Aliens.
You both capitalized the word aliens like Aliens (the 1986 science fiction action film).
A more accurate term is extraterrestrials, or creatures from outside planet Earth.
Peace to all,
True Cade_One, and good topic, thanks,
True Babas, if one does not believe in God one still has a choice.
And, yes, AllGussiedUp, to me, aliens, extraterrestrials, or creatures from outside planet Earth are all from the same God with different names.
To me, What unites the intelligence logic of atheist belief systems to all mankind is the common denominator in all belief systems and to me is choice from the failed “AI” of the Universe manifesting the Person in being. If anyone believes one has a choice they are not Atheist. To me not even an Atheist is an Atheist.
To me in logic and rationale, the intelligence of creation is the common denominator of all belief systems. And to me rationally, the common denominator of all faith based belief systems is the spirit. Atheists believe in a force or an energy. The intelligence of the universe is the energy in Atheism that is the common denomination. In Catholicism, the Spirit is a Person in being and there are three Persons existing in the trinity that have existed in logical infallible intelligence before creation was ever created was even created. they are the Person in being and God in the Father, The Mother and The Son, together as one in Being through the One Holy Spirit, The United One God.
What powers belief systems is the energy that manifests the being into the intelligence logic of the energy to become the image of the selected intelligence. Atheist have the same choice as all mankind. We become from the energy through our selected logical intelligence in the flesh of the body in person to manifest.
Combined, energy and power and forces are different names af “AI” artificial intelligence of the same Infallible Certainty. The infallible intelligence manifesting eternity is the “RI” real intelligence that will never fail, logically and rationally.
The question becomes through choice, How can one become from Big Banged in the Power of failed “AI” and re-imaged and saved into the “RI” real intelligence of the Universe?
Manifestation by the choices power into the image of the selected energy.
Choice dictates, Infallible Logic always says, “Follow me, I will make you fishers of men.”
Peace always,
I’m German. I tend to capitalize the word of the main topic. I once had someone ask if I was German. When I asked why they thought this, they said it was because I capitalize words that don’t need to be. Apparently this is a stereotype of individuals with German heritage : )
Actually, in German all nouns are capitalized. In English, in headlines, either proper names only (and the first word), as in ordinary text, or all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Aliens is a new term for supernatural beings.
At least how I see it.
Atheists believe powerful beings from a super advanced technology are somewhere in the sky or among us.
I always try to challenge them, aliens or angels and demons are in the Bible. I try to explain to them those powerful beings can be good and bad, and affect human lives.
That’s a way I engage them and when I reference Bible, the stories, they tend to listen willingly.
St Paul defines the soul as having a spirit and flesh.
To me the Bodies are created and Spirits, to me, are blown in from anywhere, and blown in from other places too, and blow away just like they came, from and to anywhere. And by the spirit power the body becomes from the intelligence of the spirit through choice, becoming again the reimaged Body, all together, logically, to me.
Born again and saved are Co-Redemptive is my New Parable of the Church to me because the concept has never been extracted, recompiled and able to be understood before in logic so that even a child can understand it, through Catholicism and now, I think we have it.
Creation from the father in man and woman are created on earth from the failed spirit, through their souls for the flesh and Mary God of Mercy, transforms the mortal and corrupt flesh and spirit in the Bodies of all mankind into incorruptibility from The Holy Spirit through the souls for the flesh becoming immortal in the Co-Redemptive Powers in from the flesh through New Eve, Heaven delivers the Family of God through the New Eve in New Adam, Jesus in the Christ, from the Holy Spirit through the souls of all in The Christ.
in the bodies from the Holy Spirit through the Immaculate Conception in the Christ in all mankind sanctified through Baptism, the incorruptible spirit and Flesh becomes immortal to be able to through Baptism to become again through death and resurrection, glorified and transfigured.
To me, The Christ in logic is The Entire Holy Family in the Trinity, the God the Body. The Trinity is logically, The Father, The Son and The Mother in the soul of the being becoming again, glorified and transfigured from The Father through the Son for the Eternal Love of The Mother, in the One Holy Spirit Family of God to the flesh of Jesus.
Evangelism logic in the Trinity is understood as the Co-Redemptive Powers of Persons in being makes it easy to see the personal relationship of Jesus everyone talks about, and with logic, we can not only hear but see logic can be used as the tool for understanding the feature benefits in logical truth and apply the truths to the Sacramental Powers faithfully.
God from earth to god in heaven, glorified and transfigured, the Bodies of all mankind.
To me, the Holy Family of God in the Flesh of earth returning to Heaven from transformed into immortality and incorruption to becoming again glorified and transfigured as One God, One Holy Spirit and One God in being.
And Jesus is The Holy Family of God in the Flesh of earth returning to Heaven from transformed into immortality and incorruption to becoming again glorified and transfigured as One God, One Holy Spirit and One God in being.
Peace always,
There is no proof of aliens. All of the UFO sightings are likely fake.
If aliens came to earth they very likely would be wanting to kill as many humans as possible. They would not step off their spaceships to sing along Kumbaya. Nah, they’d be hostile.
If a bunch of humans lived on the moon or on Mars and one day a bunch of aliens showed up outside their outpost, they’d likely want to kill the aliens. Same deal
Supposing that you have investigated some, but not all (because there have been many thousands) UFO sightings, you have concluded that all the ones you investigated are likely fake? I didn’t think much of UFOs till I read the reports of Robert Hastings about UFOs at nuclear weapons sites. The testimony from military personnel convinced me that there was a real phenomenon. I also was convinced by the work of J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer, who as a consultant to the Air Force was assigned to come up with astronomical explanations for UFO sightings reported to the Air Force. He said he saw many cases that actually were unexplainable, and after he was no longer working with the Air Force he devoted himself to scientific study of UFOs. His book The UFO Experience reported his conclusions.
I used to think that aliens were real (like the ones depicted in movies). Not anymore though because there is no proof. And a lot of the proof is just a sham of staged propaganda.
The one account that seems credible enough is from astronauts specifically Neil Armstrong. He reported some wild stuff including seeing angels in space outside their spacecraft. They reported unusual psychological or telepathic communications. But I dunno.
I tend to agree with Stephen Hawkins who stated that if aliens arrived here, they would be extremely hostile towards humans.
Atheists who believe in aliens visiting Earth, I believe are trying to replace God with an alternative belief. Ideas with regards to Ancient Egypt, Aztec and Incas as people with their cultures in someway influenced by Aliens. Basically, the particular branch of Atheist, is trying, without realising, are attempting to create a belief based upon presumption and guess work.