Do you believe any Conspiracy "Theories"?

I am known to my Family and Friends as the “Conspiracy” guy, but the truth is, I believe fewer of them than I believe. I’m not going to lie, I like a good conspiracy theory, but it doesn’t mean that I believe it.

What I am about to admit here in the following, might discredit me to some of you, but this is “Casual Discussion” after all ; )

I do not believe we put a man on the moon. I used to say I am 51% sure we didn’t go to the moon. Now this number is much higher. I’m now like 90% convinced we didn’t go to the moon.

This means that the story of how Buzz Aldrin taking a Presbyterian Communion kit to the moon is unlikely. The story goes that Aldrin originally had planned to broadcast the Service back to Earth (allegedly), but decided not to at the request of Deke Slayton.

Later in 2013, Catholic convert, and astronaut, Mike Hopkins got permission to take the Holy Eucharist with him into Space. This, I believe is true, if Space means a shorter distance from the Earth than from the Moon (namely below the Van Allen radiation belt).

There are other reasons why I do not believe we put a man on the moon:

  1. We were in a race to the moon, and I believe our team could have likely cheated.
  2. If this was the most historical moment in our lifetime, why have the original footage reels been lost or recorded over?
  3. I don’t think we had the technology to stream the footage live back to earth and onto your television set as it was portrayed.
  4. The man who was punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin for asking him to swear on a Bible that he actually went to the moon was allegedly taken by a particular alphabet agency after obtaining supposed footage that was not to be shown to the public. Could this man, who is a film maker himself, have faked this footage to make a prophet? He could have.
  5. Why do boomers get so mad when you question the validity of the moon landing? Is this what defined their generation? Was this their greatest accomplishment? I’m curious the psychology behind this.

Moving on, I do not believe in Aliens, so anything to do with Aliens, I don’t believe. Could there be other life-forms beyond ours? Of course, but I’m not convinced of it. Most who believe in Aliens, do not even recognize Life in the womb, but do in other spaces beyond ours (just an observation). Is it Scientism, wishful thinking, or something else?

Most of the conspiracy stuff around the origins of Covid have come to be true. The same government that said we went to the moon, also told us that this virus came from a wet market. It likely did come from an encounter with bats, but through gain-of-function research, and (presumably by accident) leaked into the public. If scientists (and I’m not against science) would stop creating super-viruses that otherwise would not naturally come about, we would be better off. When human beings “play God,” bad things can happen, because we are not God. There is a difference between trying to understand how God created, than trying to become gods.

I do believe January Six, 2021 was orchestrated by the feds. There are two great documentaries showing the footage of the timeline. And the fact that Ray Epps, who is on video saying, “We need to go into the Capitol” is not sitting in jail with those who were duped that day, is mind blowing! And then he was portrayed as a victim on 60 Minutes (which is more or less a propaganda arm of the alphabet agencies, like TIME and LIFE magazines were in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s).

I do not believe 9/11 was an inside job. You would have to be pretty evil to pull that off. Nor do I deny The Holocaust, even though you would have to be beyond evil to pull that off as well. Maybe this makes me hypocritical.

And then there is Occam’s Razor, named after a Franciscan friar and English theologian, logician who lived from around 1285 to 1348. His theory was that when comparing multiple theories, the most simple one is most likely.

Do I believe all Federal Agents are corrupt or bad, No. Do I believe many are “just doing their job” and might do anything to protect their culture and agency, I believe too many would.

As I said, this is just for fun. I do not condone violence to achieve political ends (whether it is individuals with “theories” or someone working for the state). I believe, above all, in morality and truth. There are individuals who have been keeping secrets for many years and out of fear or pride, will never reveal what truly happened. And as long as there are unanswered questions, there will be individuals who speculate or sleuth. It’s just the way our minds work : )


Yep there will always be that background question: Who would be so evil to pull off such a thing?

But then, we do see a lot of evil being done in the world. War, generally, for one thing, is evil. How do you make people kill? There has to be some way to overcome their barrier of conscience. Or there has to be a good reason for the fight.

In WW2, the beginning was when Germany attacked Poland. It is less known, that it was a response to poles slaughtering the german minority in Poland. So there was a very good reason.

And usually there is always a very good reason, when people do what people would otherwise not do.

Cade, are you convinced that none of the Apollo missions went to the Moon, and that the Apollo 13 drama was not genuine either? Just wondering.

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If they claim to have gotten human beings past the outer orbit and back successfully, I do not believe them. I do however believe they have taken human astronauts to space stations within orbit. This I do believe.

Do I think in the future they could put a man on the moon/other planets? I believe they probably will figure it out (for real ; )

Conspiracy Theory is a weaponized term used to gaslight people who prompt further investigations of the legitimacy of and potential coverups of corrupt evildoers.

The tin foil hat that I wear is so large, it cannot fit thru the doorway of my house, so I have keep my hat at home.

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Sorry to step in.


God has given everyone wisdom and logic, a brain to go and discover and base our findings on facts, not what we want to hear and spaculate on.

That’s not possible.

We, humans, are bound by our phisycal body that limits us.

Further humans might be able to travel, could be moon (I don’t see how a person can cope travelling to Mars).

We can send robots or AI into interstellar space but not our body.

No need to apologize. Step all you like : )

What happens when the “facts” are conspiracy or cover-up?

Do I want to believe we didn’t go to the moon? What benefit is there to me not believing we put a man on the moon? None that I can think of. What benefit do boomers have in believing we put a man on the moon? A sense of pride and achievement. What benefit do the U.S. agencies have by faking the moon landing? Power. A lot of power.

I recently watched an episode of “Home Town” with Ben and Erin on HGTV and they had an astronaut as a special guest. I found myself feeling sorry for him. Half the stuff he was saying sounded like make-believe. Is some of what he was saying true, sure. Were other things that he was saying as he compared space exploration to wood-working far-fetched, I believe so. I don’t know if he believes what he is saying or if he gets excited getting others to believe what he is saying. Either way, I found myself laughing throughout the episode. Usually it is Ben telling the jokes ; )

If anyone here believes we put a human being on the moon, captured the footage and streamed it from the moon (in video form) live to your television, and then brought them back to Earth safely, while filming the departure from the moon, panning, and focusing the camera from the moon (either digitally or manually—leaving a camera-man behind) that’s cool. We can still be friends : )

Haha, we are friends!

Whether NASA managed to put man on moon or it was faked, that’s a different story.

What I was trying to highlight was scientific facts that it is possible for humans to travel a short distance to moon compared to vast void in space.

Wisdom and logic, create science and science creates technology.

It is possible, but do we have the technology or not, I don’t know.

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Peace to all,

True, technology allows automation as the finite disciplines advance, forward.

To me in finite logic, “AI” artificial intelligence is the logical spirit “power” program to manifest the becoming of the Created Body by the Model.

Divine Logic is spirit “power”, and the “RI” Real Inteligence, the realogical information of Fulfilled Creation and will never fail from faith in The Creator through fulfilled morality for the Created Body from the Mother.

Peace always,

A significant portion of “conspiracy theories” are later proven to be factual. And they work very well because many people cannot research into things and many people simply cannot face the truth head on.

In other words, a lot people actually prefer being lied to, and they will go out of their way to keep believing lies. I am personally Not part of this group of sheep I guess they can be called that.

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Peace to all,

To me, Logically, and rationally and through Faith, Jesus’ fulfillment in the New Living Sacrifice, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God is from creation, transforming, glorifying and transfiguring the Body and saving the souls with New Flesh out of the Bosom of Abraham. Jesus’ fulfillment of morality is “Render to Caesar what is Caesars.” We know to follow the laws of the land, through the Ark of the New Covenant. Faithfully we accept the New Eve through Jesus from Mary for The Father in the One God, The Holy Family is the Trinity and the One Holy Spirit as it is on earth becoming again in all. Who do we say the Family, the “Group” is?

And it seems like I generalize this story 11 times a day, 5 people don’t get it, 5 people don’t want to hear it and one person gets it. And finally understands the Logic of the Kingdom of the Divine Will of Creation, logically.

To me what unites is the understanding of the common denominator of all faith based systems of belief. Some see the spirit as a power of a force, perhaps an evergy, but what the evergy actually us, logically, rationally and faithfully is the combined powers of the Three Gods of the Universe in Person in One God in Being in the One Holy Spirit.

We all ask everyone, Join us, logically, rationally, generally and faithfully.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew