Both Pope Francis and Many Republicans are Wrong

Both Pope Francis and many Republicans are saying politics > their Christian Faith. Please allow me to explain.

  1. Pope Francis confuses policy for virtue.
  2. Republicans demonize migrants collectively.

You can support deportation & Ex. 22:21; Lev. 19:33-34.

These verses speak to how Christians should treat other individual (“aliens”). It is not speaking about policy. Pope Francis (and some Bishops) do not understand this.

Exodus 22:21 says, “Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you [faithful] were aliens in Egypt.”

“'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him…” — Leviticus 19:33-34. It does not say legally or illegally.

Pope Francis often puts his politics before truth. I would point out to him that Italy (in which Rome is the capital) is also in the Top Ten Deporting Countries in 2025.

Republicans, many, talk about illegal immigrants as though they are all violent criminals. Some are. Many are not.

I saw one commenter on Twitter say, “Immigration or invasion?” Both. Not every individual coming here illegally is doing so for the same reasons. Some are being orchestrated to come here, being used as pawns for someone else’s political ends. But some are not. This does not mean they should not be deported. If I were in another Country illegally, I would expect to be deported (Golden Rule).

I was at my Men’s Bible Study a couple weeks back and the debate about Immigration was heating up, while President Trump’s administration began focusing heavily on deporting individuals here illegally. This was also the same week that a commercial plane collided with a helicopter, killing young U.S. figure skaters among others. A gentleman in our Bible Study joked that “we” should put the illegals on American Airlines (the implication being that individuals who are being deported would be killed). I like a dark joke as much as anyone, but this one bothered me. Maybe it was because we were at a Bible Study. Or maybe because the rhetoric coming form the political Right was painting all illegals as violent criminals, which is not the case.

We had a guy in our city, who was here illegally, shoot three people at a local bar. One of the men who was killed was an off-duty police officer, husband, and a father. It was super sad. Some individuals here illegally are violent criminals.

There are also reports that some illegals being orchestrated to come here were released from prisons and mental institutions in other countries. If true, this is concerning.

Some come here illegally intently of the large caravans. Meaning they are not part of what some on the Right refer to as an “orchestrated inversion.”

Others, who are not violent, came here legally and their visa’s ran out, which changes their status to illegal. As I said, they too should expect to be deported, but to lump these individuals with violent criminals is uncharitable.

We are discovering that under President Biden, tax dollars were going to support individuals here illegally. This would please Pope Francis I’m sure. Assuming this is true, I think it is insane, but then again, I’m a Libertarian who thinks outsourcing our Christian duty to government is a horrible idea. For one, it glorifies government, not God. It leads individual to worship government over God.

I know to many what I am saying sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. God calls Christians to love others and to pray for those who hate us. One can be against the evil’s of abortion and yet, still treat individuals who have either had an abortion or is contemplating abortion with compassion and human dignity. When Republicans refer to everyone who has had an abortion as a violent “murderer,” even though the reality is that they payed someone to violently snuff out the life of an innocent unborn child, we are still called to love these individuals. It does not mean that we demand government to do it for us.

Not a perfect analogy, but I do see some other parallels, between abortion and the topic of deportation.

Libertarian philosopher, Murray N. Rothbard, compared an unwanted pregnancy to finding a stowaway on an airplane. He argued that you have the right to eject this intruder from your plane. But, his friend Fr. James Sadowsky, wrote a letter in response, essentially saying wouldn’t it be better to land the plane rather than removing the uninvited individual in such an inhumane way that would ultimately destroy his/her life?

The way in which one deports an uninvited individual matters. And The Bible says the way you and I treat an “alien” matters.

Peace to all,

To me the confusion He came to unite all through, still remains failed choice in all mankind, and what remains is the inability to understand the New OMNIlogical God, and without logic and rationale no one on the planet will know how to behave. There will be the contention He has already came to fulfill in faith and morality we all choose not to accept, OMNIlogically. No one can understand the Mind of God without the logic and rationale through The New OMNIlogical God.

Ο δρόμος έξω

We will be in contention politically with religiously socially failing as irrational and illogical as all mankind are right now being in contention in spirit and in life. And unable are all to see through the Logic and rationale He came to fulfill in faith and morality.

To me if we could, It is like trying to get morality to see the beech sands in France, where the Trinity was tried to be explained to St Augustine and he did not understand or missed the logic and rationale in the 12th century by a disappearing child mystic, Stephen? And where did Stephen disappear to and today, and to me, quite logically, no one understands today, clearly, the mind of God and it is like trying to get faith to run political countries, which is exactaly what it needs to be, logically and rationally, but it isn’t quite yet and no one has installed the logic that may even see the logic and rationalty of the OMNIlogical God.

The boy paused in his work, stood up, looked into the eyes of the Saint, and replied, “It is no more impossible than what you are trying to do – comprehend the immensity of the mystery of the Holy Trinity with your small intelligence.”

The Saint was absorbed by such a keen response from that child, and turned his eyes from him for a short while. When he glanced down to ask him something else, the boy had vanished.

Where is this child mystic today? 12th Century Disappeared to? I think I know.

And we know not to judge others, only ourselves. And we know not to preach or prosylitize but only to generalize for all to see the failures clearly, logically and rationally.

Logically, what is World Order, in both natures? Could be Greek to some and in a good way, for all, the Exodus, greek for The Road Out.

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If we could get Pope Francis to see the Trinity properly as three preexisting beings before creation from The Father through The Mother in The Son for The One God One Holy Spirit Family in being, then maybe a new evangelazition throuth the Church will help all see all as one in being created From The Father through the New Eve born again and saved through The New Adam, each separately God and each all God and together, One Holy Spirit Family in being, spirit and life, both natures in One God and One Holy Spirit and One God in being, both natures, spirit and life, to me, Logically and rationally and Through the Faith of Abraham, OMNIlogically God.

To me, logically and rationally, this will help World Order and understanding, God and Temple, both natures in One Holy Spirit and One God in Being.

To me I know all are trying to see correctly, but no one quite understands how to combine natures except through the One OMNIlogical God and One Holy Spirit, understanding the OMNIlogical God.
ogically, what is a Temple? World Order?

And I always continue to say, Mary belongs in the Trinity. Help, Pope Francis.

Peace always,

This is a complicated issue, to be sure. Part of what complicates it, however, is the call and assumption that Catholic Charities, the USCCB which plays a large part in guiding Catholic Charities, is unquestionably and completely altruistic. Catholics are supposed to believe and accept that the billions of dollars given to Catholic Charities are being spent solely on immigrants/migrants or whatever other term one wishes to use for those crossing into the U.S. illegally.

I just can’t believe that. Why? It’s of my opinion that such charities should have, since the beginning, an “open book” on their expenditures showing/proving that every penny went toward caring for the people.

I also can’t believe that because as lax as Biden was regarding immigration laws (creating the problem that Catholic Charities et al responded to), Trump has changed course and has made it very clear that his administration will be following the laws. That that point…Catholic Charities and the USCCB should have accepted the changes rather than rail against them and in essence continue to call for an uninterrupted flow of people into the U.S. (as well as continue to be direct recipients of hundreds of millions of dollars).


Here is a thoughtful article on a response to illegal immigration: