If Cardinal Fernández becomes our next Pope, I pity the fools! (a.k.a. assembly of Cardinals)

Keep Praying that God’s light will continue to shine upon His Church, exposing the darkness. “[And] if we walk in the light as he is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another…” (1 John 1:7). There is disunity and confusion in the church. What we do not need is a pervert for a Pope. Lord, hear our Prayer : )


I’m praying for a Holy faithful African Pope. America, we are steeped in so much sin and going thru a purification I think. But overall I pray for holy faithful priests and Bishops. Praise be to Jesus Christ


I want a Pope who is 100% pro-life like JP2. That is the most important thing in the world.


I’m with Teresa. Our best shot at getting an orthodox pope is if we get one from Africa. You know they’ll never go for Bp Strickland or Abp Schneider and Cdl Burke I’m afraid to say is probably too old at this point to get much done.


Had Carinal Robert Sarah (also from Africa) been elected the successor to Benedict, I believe there would be a true renewal in the Catholic Church. Not this fake Eucharistic renewal that they are trying to do now, but a genuine and real Eucharistic reverence & awe.

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JPII we STILL love you