Priest psychology: why do men become Priests?

I can’t remember if it was Fulton J. Sheen or someone else who said, all other religions is an example of man seeking God. Christianity, however, is God’s search for man. Jesus (God incarnate) came to earth to show us love, not just to be loved.

Jesus was very real. He has a soul. He is life-after.

Jesus did not come to hand out Bibles. He came to start a church in the Apostles. Jesus breathed on them and game them authority. The problem is not the New Testament. The problem is when individuals reject the authority gifted to the Apostles and their successors, and instead make their own interpretation of the Sacred Texts their authority. Notice here that I did not say that they make the Bible their authority, but rather their interpretation of the Bible their authority. This is why there are so many Christian denominations. It is not Scripture’s fault.

We admit our failing at every Sacred Liturgy. Countless Popes have formally and honestly admitted where the Church has done sinful things throughout history.

As far as the Catholic Christian Church seeking power over all human beings, I’m not sure what you mean by this. The Church speaks with a sense of authority, because God, who is almighty, gifted His bridegroom certain authority.

I’m a Libertarian, so I get your rejection of human power over another. No one is forcing me to be Catholic. Being Catholic is voluntary. And the authority of Christ’s bride is not the power of men, but rather stewards of the power given them by Jesus Christ. Men who misuse their authority will answer to God when it is all said and done.

I have a few questions for you @MrCurious:

  1. Do you believe in aliens?
  2. Do you believe in objective morality?
  3. Do you believe we are here by accident?
  4. If we are here by accident (nothing matters), and there is no such thing as objective morality, then can you really say that anything the Catholic Church has done ever is evil (which I define as being not of God) or even morally wrong? For if morality is subjective, then who are you to say that anything anyone does is wrong? Anything goes, everything just is, and nothing matters.
  5. What brought you to this forum? (I’m glad you are here and I hope we can better understand where each of us is coming from. Looking forward to your responses : )