What are you thankful for?

“Bless the LORD, my soul; and do not forget all His gifts.” — Psalm 103:2

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My wife, family, friends, our home, retirement, and all His other gifts.

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I know this might be controversial, but I am thankful that Trump won the election.

That I have come to the Catholic Faith. In OCIA. Alteady blessed. Most meaningful and best Advent and Christmas ever.

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I’m thankful that I’ve been able to learn about Christianity throughout my life. We see so many tragedies happening to people in the news, I’m grateful God put me where he did, and not in one of those terrible circumstances. I’m thankful that I’m saved through the blood of Jesus Christ.

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That’s awesome! Welcome : )

Discovering God’s plan for you is awesome blessing. You likely have a lot of questions. This Forum is a good place for answers. But be careful, not everyone may be qualified to answer them. God Continued Blessings in this special time of Faith, Hope and Love. Patrick Miron/Catholic Catechist

I’m thankful for every new day and all that God has done in me, with me, and at times through me. Our God is an AMAZING Personal God, if, we allow Him to be.