Ohio Abortion Bill Would Allow Abortion Up to 9 Months!

I am a Libertarian in Ohio and I abstained from voting in the recent special election (Issue 1) where the Republicans had a bill that gave politicians too much power. Now the fight for parental rights begins & the way this ballot initiative is worded is wizardry!

If you would have voted against slavery back in the day, you should also vote against this ballot initiative that views unborn human beings as less than human, strips parents of their rights, and gives children full consent, under the guise of “health.” :nauseated_face:

Pro-life Libertarians should vote NO on November 7th!

And I encourage all Pro-lifers to invite a friend out for lunch/dinner before/after you vote to encourage one another to get to the polls.

And anyone reading this right now, please Pray for Ohio, for the unborn, for children who struggle with identity, and for young women who are pregnant and scared, that all choose what is good, true, and beautiful over the inversion that their culture tries to convince them wrongly of.

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The recently defeated Issue 1 did not give politicians too much power. It simply required a super majority to amend the state Constitution and prevent mob rule. The U.S. Constitution has even stricter requirements for amendment than what this would have done in Ohio. A 60% threshold is not too much to ask for something as important as changing the Constitution.

I fear keeping it a simple majority will lead Ohio down the road of Michigan.

That was one part of that bill. There were 3 Parts. The Ohio Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian Parties all require over 60% to change their respective Party Constitutions. This was not the problem.

A “yes” vote would have amended the Ohio Constitution to:

  1. increase the voter approval threshold for new constitutional amendments to 60%;
  2. require citizen-initiated constitutional amendment campaigns to collect signatures from each of the state’s 88 counties, an increase from half (44) of the counties.
  3. eliminate the cure period of 10 days for campaigns to gather additional signatures for citizen-initiated constitutional amendments when the original submission did not have enough valid signatures.

This might not seem like a lot of power to those already in power, but to those of us who constantly try to get ballot access, know how much power this truly is.

Now that the powerful elites did not get their way, you and I can now work together to make sure that the Issue 1 that will be on this November ballot (which is insane) does not pass! Reach out to all your pro-life family and friends and invite them to the polls on November 7th! Offer to give them a ride and take them out for lunch/dinner afterwards (not as a bribe, but as a friend).

The deadline for voter registration or to change your name or address for the November 7, 2023, Special Election is October 10, 2023. Encourage all of your pro-life friends to register and vote “NO” in NOvember!

Our local Democratic Party Affiliate is promoting “Catholics for Choice” on their Facebook Page. I pushed back and said that this organization is not Catholic, but rather a political organization. I then asked if the individual making these posts was Catholic. Surprise, surprise their answer was no. But, they said they had Catholic friends. I told her that I would rather be having this conversation with her Catholic friends. I know Democrats who go to our Church who take their faith very serious and I would love to have a conversation about where they stand on this issue. I am a member of a Party that is majority pro-choice, though there are more of us Pro-Lifers than most think. We’re just less loud and aggressive than the majority. I have a feeling this is true of the Democrat families that attend our Church. Or I could be wrong in my assumption and they might be fully on-board with these evil acts or convinced themselves that it is a good (for environmental reasons, which is ends justify the means kind of stuff).

Keep Praying that Issue 1 does not pass in Ohio. And if it does, Pray for the unborn, as well as for the mothers, and fathers. Pray for Catholic Christians who are convinced that abortion is sometimes morally acceptable. It isn’t.

Today is the day! I am encouraging all Catholic Christians in Ohio to vote “NO” on Issue 1!

Our Bishop encouraged all Parishes in our diocese to Pray for 40 hours leading up to today’s Election. I Prayed before the Blessed Sacrament last night (I took the graveyard shift). Continue to Pray that Ohio Issue 1 is voted down.

Thank you to all of our Bishops who have stood up against this insanity.

In spite of our efforts, Ohio Issue 1 passed. That Soros’ money is really hard to beat (but, don’t tell him that. He probably already sees himself as a god).

Wouldn’t have passed if Issue 1 in August went the other way. That’s why the one in August was so important.

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The problem I had with the August bill the Ohio GOP tried to pass is that it was the Republicans cheating, because they did not think they could win in the battle of public opinion.

Had the August bill passed (which I did not vote for) it would give politicians more power and control. On the other hand, it would have prevented outside money and influences from tampering with the Ohio Constitution. Because I could see both sides and agree with both sides, I chose not to vote one way or the other.

I am a registered Libertarian and the Ohio GOP have done things like this to cheat in the past and it does not sit well with me. When Governor John Kasich was running for re-election, several members of the Ohio GOP crafted a bill (OH SB 193) kicking Libertarians off the ballot to ensure John Kasich’s re-election.

Then we have the map issue. They are still tinkering around with this. My brother is running for Public Office (as a Republican), but still does not know who will be in his district, because of this map situation.

Ohio Republicans say they care about honest & fair elections, but their actions show otherwise.

I did vote against Ohio Issue 1 this past November 7th. I just wish the Republican Party would have spent as much effort as they do trying to play dirty politics as they do getting their members to get out and vote. And not just to show up , but to stop voting in bad Republicans. I saw more Vote Yes signs in my County than Vote No signs. I asked the Republican Party if they had any Vote No signs and all I got was crickets. So, I reached out to our nearest Rite to Life and they not only responded, but had a fellow Pro-Life Libertarian deliver hundreds of signs. I gave some signs to members of the Knights of Columbus. I then reached out to the Republican Party again (because half of our local Libertarian Party is pro-choice and the other half is pro-life and we are much smaller than the two legacy Parties). I asked the Republicans if they wanted signs to hand out to people. Crickets. So, I reached out to a neighboring County pro-life group and they were excited to receive my Vote No signs, as they had just run out. They had passed out over 600 signs and sponsored 3 giant billboards! Eventually I heard back from the Republicans and I gave them the remainder of my signs.

Democrats are better at coalition building than Republicans are. They are more willing to work with individuals they disagree with on other issues to win the current fight. If Republicans want to start winning hearts and minds, they need to stop cheating, do more coalition building, and be more friendly towards the Libertarians.

The Libertarian Party will be collecting signatures to get back on the ballot. If the Republicans really do care about “honest & fair” elections like they say they do, then support our being on the ballot. And if you don’t, then don’t get mad when Libertarians run as Republicans. If the Democrats truly are against “voter suppression” like they say they are, they too will support Libertarians being on the ballot. Libertarians are not Republicans nor are Libertarians Democrats. Libertarians are individuals who would like to be able to vote for other Libertarians that we agree with. Libertarians want to not have to vote for the “lesser of two evils,” because most Libertarians do not want to vote for evil. The Republican Party is not entitled to my vote. The Democrat Party is not entitled to my vote. The Libertarian Party is not entitled to my vote.

Politics is not my religion and government is not my God.

Hi and thank you for your enthusiasm and hard work for the cause. I learned in a small town that “small town politics” really is a thing. Glad you were able to overcome it. Would you get mad if I suggested that you register as a Republican?
OK then, I won’t mention it.

Thanks again.

Ha-ha : ) I don’t get mad at individuals who have differing opinions than I have. I don’t know if you know this, but libertarians disagree with one another even; and it is okay, because we don’t want to use government force to make others be like us.

When Republicans say “Liberians” believe this or that, they usually mean libertinism, which is not libertarianism at all.

If you want to know what libertarianism is to me, here are two books that I recommend:

  • “The Law” by FrĂ©dĂ©ric Bastiat (He was Catholic too)
  • “Free is Beautiful” by Randy England (also Catholic)

I am in the Pro-life Caucus and the Christian Liberty Caucus of the Libertarian Party.

“Be free, yet without using freedom as a pretext for evil.” — 1 Peter 2:16

I recommend the “Tom Woods Show” (if you listen to Podcasts). He is also Catholic.

I clicked on that link and it said Page Not found

probably censorship

As a Republican who has never known of another R engaging in vote fraud, I take offense to some of your words. Do you have proof there was “funny business” going on?
In most states I’ve lived in, Rs are decent people who want to protect the unborn and everyone else. I can’t speak for OH which I have never lived in… But my experiences in life say that Rs are a good group (for the most part_

Let me first by saying that Republicans (meaning individuals) are not my problem. It is the Ohio GOP as a whol that plays political games to cheat in elections.

I gave the example of OH SB 193 that kicked all Libertarians off of the ballot to ensure that Governor John Kasich re-election a few years back.

In more recent history, the Republicans (elected politicians, not the individuals who vote Republican) gerrymandered the districting map in a way that went against State law.

Another thing that I criticize about the Ohio GOP is that they have a bylaw that they must endorse their incumbent (even when the incumbent is horrible). I understand that strategy behind this (the lesser of evils mantra), but what happens is that we get really bad politicians, when a better Republican candidate is running against them in the Primary. The incumbent get the endorsements of the Ohio Republican Party, in spite of a better Republican candidate stepping up.

It was a Republican Governor in Ohio, who shut down our Churches during Covid, locked us in our homes, forced us to cover our mouths, and called us non-essential! He is also horrible on the Second Amendment! And the Democrats loved him for it! And yet, in the Ohio Primary, the Ohio GOP backed him over Marshall Usher, a much better Republican candidate for Governor.

So yes, the Ohio GOP is all about funny business, and too many individuals who vote Republican just go along with it.

This bill stripping parents of their rights ended up passing. I’m not even Republican and yet, I did more work trying to get the word out against Issue 1 than the Republicans did. Why is this? Because, rather than win in the realm of public opinion, they had a back-up plan to reshape the bill on the back-end (whish is super shady, even if the outcome is desirable).

I have a big problem with the corruption within the Ohio GOP. Do not take this as an endorsement of the Ohio Democrats. They lost their moral compass a long time ago. And the Ohio Libertarian Party was split on Issue 1. Some saw it as protecting the rights of the youth (to protect them is what they said), while others, like myself, saw it as a stripping of parental rights. It’s all how you frame it. Unfortunately, the culture as a whole is becoming more like Babylon these days.

“never known of another R engaging in vote fraud”: my wife, who is a legal permanent resident but not yet a US citizen, got repeated pleas from a Republican sheriff to vote for him. These came to her personally on her phone, not just mailings to us as residents.

Political Parties and Candidates do what is called phone banking. The Libertarian Party does this too. So, chances are, this Sheriff might not have known your Wife’s status. When I get texts from other Parties or Candidates, I like to engage with them. I try to get them to consider the philosophy of liberty & responsibility. I also do it as a form of entertainment : )

Is your Wife in the process of becoming a U.S. Citizen? My daughter’s Godmother was seeking asylum and it is very difficult. She spent a lot of money hiring an immigration lawyer and a consultant, only to have her case pushed back twice. It has been eight years since she started this process! She has since graduated College and is Married with her first child. I have been Praying for her and have even written a letter of support to the judge. What has been your experience?

My wife applied for citizenship this year. Four years ago, we got engaged while she was here in the United States. She was staying with her sister in New York City but couldn’t go back to the Philippines because of the pandemic. I read an article online by an immigration lawyer saying that adjustment of status (to legal permanent resident) is an option for someone married to a US citizen, so I had this lawyer (very good, Ismail Shahtakhtinski, IS Law, Fairfax, Virginia) represent my fiancee in applying for legal permanent residence and now citizenship. It took about a year to get her status adjusted to legal permanent resident, and it’s about two months since she applied for citizenship, and we heard that her interview will be held soon. The story of our engagement and marriage is on Catholic Match at https://plus.catholicmatch.com/articles/despite-the-extenuating-circumstances.

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Another Republican request for my non-citizen wife to vote: a few days ago she got a message from the Trump campaign urging her to vote early for Trump. After all the noise Trump made about non-citizens voting against him, his campaign is urging a non-citizen to vote. And over the weekend I got a message from the Republicans saying that according to their records, I haven’t voted yet. “What’s going on?” they asked. This is intrusive and annoying. If I hadn’t already switched to the American Solidarity Party, the day I got that message would have been my last day as a Republican.

My Wife has been getting these same messages, as she has not yet voted. I get similar messaged for a lady named Terry. And even worse is that in these texts they tell me her address! I know what her house looks like, as I google the address on Google maps. How my number became associated with this lady is strange, because I have had the same number fore nearly two decades.

I’ve heard that if you vote early, the campaigns have access to this information and can same money on resources by not sending you junk mail if you have already voted and focus their efforts on those whom have not voted.

I am trying to get a Libertarian affiliate going in my County and I was able to mail out targeted postcards to anyone who had voted L or “Issues Only” in the previous Primary Elections. This saved us a lot of money from having to mail them to individuals who may not be interested.

But, I share your concern about privacy. It is crazy that I can see how someone else has voted in the past, just by searching their name and address or birth date. And there are websites that compile and share this information publicly, which I believe is a violation of State laws. When I was doing that mailing, it says specifically that it is unlawful to post the information publicly.

When someone comes to your door and you tell them something about yourself, chances are, that individual is putting that information into some sort of database. If you have a yard sign in front of your house, the door-knocker will likely document this in their database. This information is then sometimes shared/sold with future campaigns. Same with polling and surveys, which I enjoy taking, because they often do not include Libertarians, so I will mess with them just to spite them.

When it comes to your Wife, chances are they are either just sending mass messages to anyone with a telephone number who live in a household who has voted a certain way in the past. They are probably unaware that your Wife is not a legal citizen. And the person cold-texting is most likely a volunteer and not the actual candidate himself.

Sometime when you respond to these texts, someone will answer back, which can be fun. But most times it is automated and there is no human being on the other end. You can block the number or simply reply “STOP” and you will be taken off their list, but I kind of enjoy messaging back and forth with these individuals.