Miraculous Medal thoughts

I’m interested in acquiring and wearing the Miraculous Medal as another sign of my devotion to the Blessed Mother.

Is there some debate or question as to whether it was definitely requested by Mary? I thought I read someplace that this hasn’t been confirmed so I’m asking for your thoughts and knowledge on this. Thanks.

I have led many pilgrims to the convent where Our Lady appeared to St. Catherine Laboure in Rue du Bac, Paris in 1830. Yes, it is well-documented that Our Lady herself revealed the design of the miraculous medal to St. Catherine, as well as the abundant graces received by wearing it around one’s neck.

I am convinced of the supernatural power flowing from this medal and have received quite a number of reports of medically-verified healings from the prayerful use of this medal. For example, two men in California were healed of brain tumors after applying the same medal and asking for Our Mother’s intercession.

Almost 21 years ago, an anonymous deacon-friend of mine shared with me that he was in the possession of an oil-oozing miraculous medal that was touched to first-class relic of St Elizabeth Ann Seton by her Sisters in Maryland. He slipped it into his pocket as he left the Shrine and noticed upon his return home that his shirt was wet from the oil seeping from this small medal. For a long time, he kept this special medal in a dish on his bedside table.

In turn, I sent him a small box of various sacramentals, most of which also began to exude an oily film. I asked him to simply place my box in his room and return it to me in a couple months. I was shocked to find that most of my rosaries, crucifixes, medals, etc in that box were oily to the touch. From these sacramentals, tens of thousands of medals(mostly miraculous medals and St. Benedict medals) have exuded oil, also. Over the past 20 years, I’ve distributed over 70,000 of these blessed medals around the world!

All this to strongly urge and encourage everyone who reads this to honor Our Dear Lady by wearing her medal—St. Catherine Laboure, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and St.Teresa of Calcutta are among the modern Saints who promoted this medal. Do yourself a huge favor, buy one, have a priest or deacon bless it and put it around your neck!

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

Thank you. And thanks for the note about having it blessed

I am skeptical of most Marian apparitions. If legit, I believe it is more about private revelation than it is public revelation.

As a special devotion, I do not see a problem with it, but wearing something to gain special treatment feels superstitious to me.

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I would agree except that Mary herself requested that this medal be created and promised her graces to those who wear it (at least that’s how I understand it). Similarly to her promises to those who meditate on the 7 Dolors daily.

Joseph Smith, who founded Mormonism, claimed that the Father and His son, Jesus, appeared to him, restoring public revelation (Joseph Smith—History 1:5–21).

Do I believe that Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith and wanted him to be a neo-prophet? I do not (otherwise I would become Mormon).

I do believe individuals receive private revelations from God, Mary, Angels, and the Saints to help them grown closer to our Lord, but when it comes to public revelation, I am skeptical. If Mary appeared to me privately and asked me to wear a miraculous medal, I would wear one. But, if Jesus, Mary, and Angel, or Saint appeared to me and told me something that they wanted to apply to everyone publicly, I would pause.

Please do not take my skepticism as a personal attack on yourself or Mary. Joseph Smith took it personal when the Methodist Minister took Smith’s claims “lightly” (verse 21).

If you are feeling called to wear a miraculous medal, then who am I to tell you that you should not, especially if our Blessed Mother did indeed promise protection to anyone who wears a miraculous medal. And if Mary is asking me to wear a medal or scapular, I ask that she puts this on my heart personally.