How Smart is the Devil?

How Smart is the Devil?

Not very. He’s going up against the God of the Universe, but he must like a challenge and he gets a lot of mini-wins, which has to be a boost to his ego. What does this say about us?

The devil is very cunning however. He convinces believers that Hell and the devil do not exist. He convinces unbelievers that they are gods.

St. Michael, defend us in battle…

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Very, so don’t think you can outsmart him with out help from Jesus Christ :pray:


Absolutely! The Devil wants us to think that he is ficticious or that he has more power than God. Both false of course.

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He is so deceptive that he’s got 99% of Catholics believing that Francis is the Vicar of Christ.

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“A Church In Crisis” by Ralph Martin , is a book worth reading . Information about Francis Bergollio , will help get into clarification, with so much more .

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Smart but yet not smart…it alldepends on our own views of just what we know about the whole world religion as history.

Honestly, i would have to disagree. Satan is not neccessaryily going up against God, his main objective is to get as many of us to go to hell with him as a possible, enticing us to sin. I think he is very crafty and in a sense, smart.

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