With the liturgies of the Sacred Paschal Triduum concluded, would anyone like to share any highlights from the liturgies in which they participated for those most holy days? (Alternatively, you may wish to discuss things that were not so good… at least if you want to be a Negative Nancy).
To name just one thing from where I am: the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament went very well given some of the limitations of space which we have. The procession was beautiful and we had a good amount of incense (without setting off the smoke alarms). I also received no complaints from people about the incense, but only positive remarks.
Went to High Mass Holy Thursday (I personally prefer Low Mass) at my ICKSP parish. There is something about how the altar of repose was set up that made it seem like it was truly in the Holy Land. Can’t really explain it. Good Friday, I went on a walking Stations of the Cross with 4 of my 5 kids at the N.O. parish where they attend school. I really like doing public processions and this one was along the main street in our city. The down side is that that particular parish is usually not very reverent and this occasion was no different. Not very solemn considering what we were commemorating. Holy Saturday I went back to my ICKSP parish for the first 3 hours of the Vigil but decided to leave after the catechumen was baptized and confirmed. Went to High Mass Easter Sunday. Kind of special because it is only the first or second time in 2024 that my wife came to church with me and kids.
It’s really cool that there’s an outdoor Stations of the Cross where you are. It’s important that we have public manifestations of the faith. Maybe that’s something I’ll do next year.
I’m in Columbus, Ohio. We also have an annual procession through downtown Columbus for Our Lady of Fatima. It is about 2 miles long and we recite all 20 mysteries of the Rosary. It concludes with a Benediction service at a Dominican church.
My ICKSP parish (located in one of the most rainbow saturated neighborhoods in Columbus) has also done smaller processions for the feasts of Christ the King and Corpus Christi. I tear up every time seeing the public witness while hearing the singing of beautiful hymns.
The last 3 bishops in Columbus have been either neutral or encouraging when it comes to such things so that helps.
Procession used to be a very popular event, back when I was young, and that is a long time. LOL. We used to walk miles around the small towns, beutifull, with candle lights, carring what ever feast day saint was at the time. Sacrifices, like walk up hills where on top was a big cross, than pray the risary there. Today we walk from the church to the Hall, and I see parishioners complaining, that the mass was long.
I’ll be a bit of a heathen and talk about the Easter egg hunt instead of the liturgies After four years now of what can really only be described as a demonic oppression of our marriage and family (I’m not exaggerating), it was the most normal Easter morning since they were little kids and it was interesting to be involved in it as a father (the way I have been missing for a few years). It is of course no longer much of a challenge to find the eggs, and I took the opportunity to use my “cattle-prod” once or twice to guide them in their new challenge, letting the other find their share of eggs and not holding competitive grudges. There are always enough opportunities to find disappointment in their behavior, it was one of those little mini-gifts from God to see them show some healthful independence.