I have a good friend who has recently started going back to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (as it is preferably branded).
I am happy for her. She had been talking about going back to Church over two years ago. I know it is not the Catholic Church and that many non-LDS do not view Mormons as being Christians. I also know many non-Catholics who argue that we are not Christians either.
The Catholic Church does not recognize Mormon Baptisms as being valid (because of our differences in the understanding of the Holy Trinity). I do however view Mormons as small “C” christians. I also believe that many Mormons are more christian than many who profess to be big “C” Christian are.
There are things that Mormons and Protestants share in common. There are things that Catholics and Mormons share in common, even though we are not in communion with one another. I just noticed that the word common is in the word communion : )
I am not here to trash on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am here to address something that I have witnessed on Catholic Twitter (don’t judge ; )
A traditional Catholic, whom is either liked or hated depending who you mention his name around, asked the fallowing questions:
Is Mormonism a “Protestant” denomination? Why or why not, and by what criteria?
I believe Dr. Taylor Marshall already has his own opinions and likes to stir the pot. I am a bit of an instigator myself, so I am not offended by asking questions. However, I am offended by some of the responses.
Catholic Christians (the true O.C.'s) hate it when non-Catholics misrepresent what we actually believe. Often this is done out of ignorance, or disingenuousness, or hatred. I am more inclined to believe that it is of ignorance.
Why do so many Catholics not give others the similar respect that we desire from individuals who are not Catholic. If I want to know what a Baptist believes, I ask a Baptist. I don’t go ask a Methodist what Baptists believe. Likewise, I would not ask a Baptist what a Muslim believes. If you want to know what Mormons believe, you should go ask a Mormon living it.
There is no one more ignorant about what Catholics believe than former Catholics. And yet, this is where Protestants often get their misconceptions about what Catholics believe.
If you are a former/current member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, welcome. If you have any questions about what Catholic Christians believe, feel free to ask here on this forum or private message me. I love learning about what others believe and why they believe it and sharing what I believe and why I believe it.
And if you are Mormon and would like to answer Dr. Marshall’s question, I am interested in your response. If you are not LDS, I am less interested in your response ; )