Annulment and children

I am in a monthly women’s group we talk about the Bible and Jesus all christen topics. The latest is when someone receives an annulment and has children does that make the children illegitimate? Wait for responses.

The simple answer is no. This is a common misconception.

Here are some resources that you might find helpful.

Whether legitimate or illegitimate, children are precious gifts, no matter the circumstances.

No child is illegitimate. The idea of “illegitimate” children is a secular concept that usually revolves around laws dictating allocation of monetary compensation.

Every child is loved by God and therefore should be loved by all parties involved regardless.

Thank you for your reply

When a catholic priest retires can he be given a “love gift “? I have never heard the term.
Thank you

Not sure what you mean by this. And I afraid to ask.

I have since found out what a love gift is. It is a Protestant tradition when minister leaves to give him money. We have a bunch of converts that still think they are Protestants.

The quick answer is no. The not so quick answer is the children are “products” (okay, horrible word) of a “purported marriage,” and therefore legitimate. This is, I believe, also the answer to are children born in a union of divorced and remarried persons illegitimate. Again, no, as they are born in a purported marriage, and no stigma attaches (or should attach, anyway) to the children, only to the parents.

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What about children conceived using IVF or via surrogacy (which I am against for a few reasons that we can get into on another thread if anyone would like to start one)?