A thought for the New Year


The old year is past, a new one has just begun, and we are all now one year closer to eternity. For many people this past year, time was no more. One moment they were in time, the next moment they were in eternity. Time is a two-sided coin, one side despised and wasted during life, the other priceless, and unattainable at the hour of death.

God has given us these days to work out our salvation, but how well do we use them? How often have we observed a man in idle pursuit? If we were to ask him what he is doing, he would reply: “Oh, I am just passing the time.”

I remember an old song of many years past. It was called "Standing on the Corner Watching All the Girls Go By." Are we just standing on the corners of life watching the days of our salvation going by unused?

To quote Saint Alphonsus De Liguroi:

"O time despised during life, you will be ardently desired by worldlings at the hour of death. The thought that they must very soon appear before Almighty God, to give an account of their lives, fills them with untold confusion and anguish. They will ask for another year, another month, or another day to settle the accounts of their conscience, but they will ask in vain. To obtain a single hour they would give all their wealth and worldly possessions, but that hour shall not be given."

Let us therefore exert ourselves to the utmost to accomplish the work of our salvation while there is still time. Do now, what, on the Day of Judgment, you would then wish you would have done. For at the moment of death, the time of grace will have passed, the time of justice will have come.

(Hebrews 9: 27; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10, 12; Matthew 7:13-14; 25:31-47)


Lovely. And true. Welcome to the forum @zeland!

Peace to all,

Before time began, before creation was ever created was even created, Mary existed as The Mother of God in fulfilled intelligence logic, to me. To me, logically, the “RI” real intelligence of creation includes, The Father, the Son and The Mother as One Holy Spirit.

Mary said in 0AD, (Anno Domini, Latin for year of The Lord) and also in 0 AD The Christ was also Born, “Let not my will but Your Will be Done.”
Here we see the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of The CO-Redemptive first Christs, Mary and Jesus on Earth, in the Flesh and Spirit from the Father through the souls for all mankind, becoming again in One Holy Spirit.

And from created we become and become again through all of the Wondrous Mysteries of the Faith in the Christ becoming again for all as One in Being in One Holy Spirit Family of God.

Finite sciences using the finite limited disciplines of earth to evaluate the processes continue the path in understanding, And always even the more we learn and advance in all or any of the finite disciplines, the towel is thrown in and all rational being say, “I don’t know how He does it”? To me logic has the power to explain creation as static in unfailing and yet dynamic in Fulfilled eternal love with only the Choice to love and to love only with the most love. Static fulfilled creation undefiled with no chance of failure, no choice, To me, The logic follows the pattern, "What would Jesus, the New Adam do in all cases of the fulfilled faith and Morality from the Christ. The Word become flesh in Jesus, God of Justice glorifying and transfiguring The Bodies of all through the New Eve, becoming again in the Holy Family Trinity of The One God for the One Father in through Her Love and God of Mercy, Mary.

The New Adam and The New Eve and The Father are the One Divine Holy Spirit and One God in being.

The logic seems to follow the pattern, Created mortal through the flesh and corrupt from the first spirit to becoming sanctified immortal in the New Eve and made incorruptible from the Power of The Holy Spirit Family through the Christ for all from the living waters through Baptism and in hearing the Words of Absolution, forgiven from Confession through Penance Confirmed and for Sacrifice through the Host, the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of God in re-Sanctification from Communion through Him for the Will of Creation through the Family of the Trinity in One in Being for all united, from the Father through the Mother for the Christ in all mankind to become again, glorified and transfigured One in Being through the Holy Spirit Trinity and One God in being in the time of the Year of The Lord, AD, becoming again One Time.

Peace always,

Dear Cade, thank You!