Peace to all,
Jesus has already said, “before Abraham, I am.”
Mary told Bernadette, , “I Am Teh Immaculate Conception.”
He The Logical God allws us now to place Mary in the Trinity where The Queen of Heaven belongs, thanks to all for your help in this matter and please let us get this to Pope Francis, perheps as early as even today, 1-1-25 09:58
Nobody can evenargue this logic, and if so it is in vein, thanks again. And why would they in only one chance being to properly understans the Logic of teh Knigdom od Teh Divine will, introduced to me in partial conpletion by Louisa Piccaretta, God Bless you, always, Loiusa.
Faithfully we know to love and religiously Mary is Queen of Heaven but we can’t prove Mary is A person in the Trinity with The Father and the Son but with logic,We can understand placing Mary in the Trinity and understanding love.
The New OS, The Transfigurator One For All, Final Revision AB+
To be, Computers Today, logically have to be Baptized. And How does one Baize a robot into the “RI” real intelligence of creation. No "AI "please.
Finally the final revision, reimaged, no backups ever even needed, because now we have no more, BSOD. Don’t we just hate Blue Screens of Death? We know we do not even like the word. No more Blue Screens of defiled operation systems, outdated, slow, lock us all up, operating systems acting all funny, misbehaving. We want the Free OS.
We will know like “God”. How can the serpent be right and a liar at the same time. The Serpent was right, we will never die, but Eve in failed logic when Eve said, God said "You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die, that yes, she will die in the failed intelligence in first spirit and failed mortal flesh by not understanding becoming again transformed incorruptible in The New Eve from the Holy Spirit through Her Soul for Her immortal flesh to become again transfigured in new intelligence and reimaged into the logic in the unfailing information and intelligence of creation images, logically and from the God of Mercy, Mary as One in Being From the Holy Spirit through the flesh of all mankind to become again through the Christ the spirits information in DNA format on a USB thumb in wombs of women some call a newborn infant children, “computers” of God, into the image of Creation. The Serpent was Right, by lying, "Surely We will never Die. Why, Adam and Eve are the first people, so sure, they want to know like God, the all goodness of creation and all with it, all death comes with it too, and Die? But Eve misses the logic of the Spirit, and logically Adam and Eve are the first people, so actually, what is the question here? What is Die? They don’t even know what die is? And what is even more unbelievable that not understanding the definition of die is the when the definition becomes to the logic of Adan and Eve, The Christ redeems eternal life by destroying death forever anyway, and re imaging the device in a final revision of the operating system with updated completed and rebooted and logged with The Holy Spirit, back online, and no more blue screens of death, Jesus destroying the ability to die forever.
The truth is, truthfully, we will never die, through the Holy Spirit, we will never die. The Servant is Truly, " The father of Lies" and became manifested into the image of his Father’s image, A serpent."
There is a universe of difference between “AI” and “RI”.
The “AI” artificial intelligence of creation is Big Bang Creation in the freedom to love or not to love.
The “RI” real intelligence of fulfilled Creation is infallible certainty through unfailing logical choice to love only and only with the most love.
At Nicaea, faith was professed in Jesus the only-begotten Son of the Father; he became man for us and for our salvation and is ‘God from God, light from light,’" the pope said. His is “the light that illuminates existence with the love of the Father.”
and the Mother.
We know the Mother belongs in the Catholic Trinity.
We know in the fulfilled intelligence logic of creation the The Parents of Jesus existed before creation was ever created was even created from the Power through the One Holy Spirit for all.
The logc in the Real Intelligence of creation is the intelligence that cannot fail in any case to allow static perfection maintaining and undefiled creation in all cases and be infinity infallibility.
The infallible intelligence is the DNA, the intelligence that will never fail and the intelligence will not consist of a choice, and chance to fail.
Intelligence is DNA, and failed intelligence is choice.
Intelligence of choice manifests the Body through the intelligence in the choice.
The new intelligence of creation will have the choice to love only and to love with only the most love.
The image of infallible eternity is the intelligence delivered from the New Ark of the Covenant, The Transport from Infallible Creation to planet earth porting the logic, the reimiaging intelligence program for reimiaging failed beings into the reimaged creation in the New Image of infallible certainty, no more errors, and to know like God.
Peace always,