I heard it mentioned that Mary’s perpetual virginity is a dogma (a required belief for Catholics). I knew that the Immaculate Conception and Assumption are Catholic dogmas, but I didn’t know that Mary’s perpetual virginity is a dogma. I mentally recited the Apostles’ Creed, which my wife and I say every day as part of the rosary; I firmly believe all of the creed.
Then I wondered how many dogmas there are. Online, I found lists of 255. Some of the dogmas are so abstract that I don’t know what they mean (I’m not asking for explanations; I’m sure I could find and understand explanations). For example, “God is absolutely simple” and “God’s knowledge is subsistent.” My response might be “OK, if you say so.” Other dogmas I hadn’t thought about but still don’t see why Catholics must believe them, for example, “God’s Essence is … incomprehensible to the blessed in Heaven.” I believe that if I have to, and I guess I have to. Fortunately the Church does not seem to teach that all 255 dogmas are required for salvation. Also, we apparently are not required to believe that it’s a good idea to have 255 required beliefs. As a cradle Catholic with 12 years of Catholic education (some of it before Vatican II), I was surprised to learn how many dogmas there are.