Who is one "Blessed" that you hope to see declared a "Saint" in your lifetime? (If God wills it.)

Bishop Folten Sheen (1895-191979) should be declared a Saint (God willing), but I’m kind of glad that it was not under Pope Francis.

I don’t know if Father Augustus Tolton (April 1, 1854 – July 9, 1897) is a Blessed, but he would make a great Patron Saint of patience. He was a former slave who became the first Black Priest in the United States. There were so many setbacks and disappointments along the way, but through perseverance and the help of a German Priest, he eventually was accepted into Seminary. I read a biography titled, “From Slave to Priest” by Sr. Caroline Hemesath about him and he so easily could have given up hope, but he didn’t. There were moments of despair for sure, but God did not give up on him.

There is another Blessed that I resonated with a couple years ago, but I can’t recall his name. I took a screenshot of his life’s story, but it is on my other computer. If I remember to look, I will update this post.

If you would like to learn more about the lives of the Saints & Blesseds, I recommend the Laudate app. There is a “Saint of the Day” tab.


Father Walter CIszek, SJ lived as a prisoner in the Soviet Gulag for over 20 years and brought the faith and, when possible, Eucharist to prisoners in his path. I recommend his book “He Leadeth Me” for insight into his spiritual journey in the midst of hunger, brutality, isolation, and, ultimately, TRUST in God’s plan for him!


Although she is not yet beatified, I pray to see Servant of God Maria Esperanza de Bianchini become a Blessed! I’m a member of the Betania Spirituality Movement, a public association of the faithful and representative of Betania 17, here in Galveston, TX. Globally there are 21 Betania Communities who live the dynamic spirituality flowing from the holy waters of Betania, Venezuela, “the New Lourdes.”

Those are good ones. I cannot imagine why Sr. Lucia (Fatima) hasn’t even been made a Venerable yet, while others seem to have been fast-tracked. (Well, actually I can imagine). Also, not only should Bl. John Dun Scotus be canonized, he should be declared a Doctor of the Church.

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Blessed Seelos and Charlene Marie Richard

Blessed Carlo Acutis, a 15 year old Italian young man who set up a website regarding Miracles of the Eucharist.
Also Blessed Father Miguel Pro, who was executed by the athiest government of Mexico during the Cristeros in the teen years of the last century. (see the movie For Greater Glory)


I’d like to see Mother Angelica found to be suitable to be declared a saint.


Fr.Solanus Casey.from Detroit Mi.He was at Capuchun Monastery.So many people would come to see Him fo spiritual advice ,prayers etc.He has some Miracles attributed to Him.I read a book about him years ago very interesting.I have visited his grave.I feel it time they canonized him.God bless you all.

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I would like to see Dorothy Day recognized as a saint.


Yes to Father Walter! Amazing servant of God. Thank you.

Blessed Frederic Ozanam, founder of Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Blessed Michael McGivney, and Abp. Fulton Sheen.


Julian of Norwich… a mystic from the 14th Century who wrote “Revelations of Divine Love.” As far as I know, the only reason she hasn’t been canonized is because she says God’s love for us is like a Mother’s love… Her writings are unspeakably beautiful… Her message is perfect for today!!

I too vote for Father Tolton. I read Augustus Tolton by Joyce Duriga and saw the play Tolton: From Slave to Priest twice. I probably won’t be on this Earth long enough to see Dorothy Day canonized, but maybe she will be beatified in my lifetime. If not, I am confident that I will see her in heaven.

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I will join Brother Bob Father McGivney and Bishop Sheen.

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