Was Big Foot on Noah's Ark?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe so?
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Really, how would I know? :slight_smile: But I could ask my pastor. One time, in a sermon, he said, referring to the Tower of Babel, “We built a ziggurat.” I teased him and said I wasn’t around then but that he is much older than I am. Seriously, though, I used to think that the chance of Bigfoot being real was about zero. But after I read that some native tribes in the Pacific Northwest teach their children how to avoid Bigfoot, I felt that maybe Bigfoot could be real. Bigfoot on the Ark?
Maybe. And maybe a lot of animals on the Ark were not adults. I can picture baby Bigfoots on the Ark.

I wrote a research paper on Bigfoot back in high school, and despite the lack of concrete evidence of their existence, there are a lot of first hand accounts of people that had encounters with something totally unexplainable.

So assuming that Bigfoot are real, they must have been on the ark. Another question might be whether Bigfoot is more animal or more human. The Bible tells us who was on the ark, namely Noah and his family. If Bigfoot was human-like, and among the righteous people that were saved, why weren’t they mentioned?

I believe that Bigfoot, assuming that they exist, must be more like animals. Like gorillas, for example. There are so many animal species that would have been on the ark that the Bible couldn’t have listed them all, so Bigfoot might have been one of them…or rather, a pair of them!

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