Peace to all,
“By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible.” — Hebrews 11:3
The truth in the story becomes from the story that never changes becoming the greatest story ever told of The Christ, for all mankind created, becoming and becoming again from three Gods in Person through One God in being in One Holy Spirit Family.
To me, logically and rationally, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Sacred Scripture, The canon of the Bible that was affirmed by the Council of Rome (382 AD), the Synod of Hippo (393 AD), the Councils of Carthage (397 AD & 419 AD), the Council of Florence (1431-1449 AD) and finally, as an article of faith, by the Council of Trent (1545-1563 AD) and secularists of today, and all Doctors and all The Finite Disciplines of Earth all professionals have not even been brought to the table of logic and rationality of the OMNIlogical God, in just casual rational understanding that allows all mankind all at once to be able to and now can clearly see God OMNIlogically.
The mind of God had to create a Body, logically and rationally and through the spirit God combines natures life and spirit, Body with God through Mankind, and installs the Mind of God through Mary, immortality in the New Eve, becoming again from both natures, from the New Adam, Jesus, and is Holy Spirit incorruptibility through the Immaculate Conception Immortality in the Immaculate Flesh and Virgin Birth of the Holy Spirit and Family of God, the Trinity in the Flesh of Jesus becoming The Christ in all mankind becoming again, One God, One Holy Spirit Family in the New Heaven and Earth, Heaven for all, OMNIlogically.
What logically people cannot understand is in the OMNIlogical God never before on earth that has been presented in logic and rationality. The OMNIlogical God is the Family of God and is the Holy Spirit. Jesus is Concieved in the Holy Spirit to become The Christ, and we also become Christs, Baptized into the New Eve becoming again through Penance and Sacrifice, the One Holy Spirit and One God. What all people cannot grasp is the concept that we are created failed in both natures, spirit and life so for God to bring flesh to heaven in One Family of God and One Holy Spirit now with two logical and rational natures, Spirit and Life, God and Temple. The Power of the Holy Spirit Family manifests eternal life in both natures through souls of all mankind in the One Flesh, the One Body and One God, One Holy Spirit.
Really? now visible?
It is written, so do we believe? Yes. We can see God.
To me logically, rationally Through the OMNIlogical God with New Eyes we can now see God, the One Holy Spirit Family delivered in the Ark of the New Covenant from the Virgin Birth through the Immaculate Conception in the Christ, The Host, that transforms glorifies and transfigures all as One in being in One Holy Spirit Family.
Who logically is the Word? The Word is the Holy Spirit Family of God from the Father through the Son in the love of the Mother for all as One God in being existing before creation was ever created was even created, that can never fail and can never fail in only one way, undefiled and infallible, both natures, and is the Mind of the Universal Divine Holy Spirit and One God in infallible intelligence logic of fulfilled creation Word Order, both natures, spirit and life, following the pattern, the logic, the rationale "What would Jesus do in all cases from the fulfilled Faith and Morality, spirit and life, both natures, God and Temple, through the Christ for all in One God in being, One Holy Spirit Family.
To me logically and rationally, We are created by The Father from the spirit through all souls from Adam and Eve, becoming The Christ from the New Eve in all mankind through the Person of Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit Family of God from the Immaculate flesh of Mary through the Holy Spirit of Jesus becoming again in all as One Holy Spirit and One God in being, OMNIlogically God.
All the most brilliant minds of earth using all the finite disciplines of earth can never understand the logic and rationale of the Mind of God until the OMNIlogical God. To me, this is how all can see God.
To me, Logically and rationally, God created all things, under the heavens and the heavens and the earth. And then God created the last “Gift”, Love for all, becoming again as One in being, One Holy Spirit Family of God. Rationally all was created, all forms of life and spirit, everything was named and given a logical and rational value, a task, angels with only spirits in their souls without flesh and with defiled fallible choice in their spirits in their souls making them fallible yet unforgivable without flesh to restore the friendship not able to have their souls Baptized without flesh to reach the spirits of the angels, making them unable to through death and resurrection to become again as all mankind through the Christ and without Penance and Sacrifice for angels could not hear without ears and do the good works of Penance without hands and angels not able to confess because angels had no mouths and no flesh “to do the good works from Penance through Absolution for forgiveness to become again.” And the angels could not even die to become again glorified and transfigured because they had no flesh to be Baptized to become again through death and resurrection until through the Christ to become again through death and resurrection becoming again glorified and transfigured into the One Holy Spirit in both natures, spirit and life becoming again in One God and One Holy Spirit. This is how flesh, mankind logically and rationally and OMNIlogically saves the Angels. And some of the angels, through choice, the defiled nature of both created souls and the eternal spirit, the fallibility in all created beings, in both natures, were jealous of the becoming power of flesh, mankind in Heaven.
What was the plan of the Mind of The God of all the universe, then? To create man and all mankind to save the angels placing mankind above the angels because of flesh. The Angels know of the becoming power of flesh in Heaven making mankind greater than the angels, and this is how the Christ, becoming again in all mankind will save the angels and saints and martyrs and Old Covenant Saved in the New Heaven and Earth. Both natures are literally born again from New Eve, transformed into immortality and saved through the New Adam, incorruptibly, spirit and life, God and Temple, becoming again, through both natures in One God, One Holy Spirit Family of God, resurrected, life and spirit , through the greatest “Gift” Love, created and fulfilled from the Old Adam through the New Adam, Jesus from His Fulfilled Passion in the OMNIlogical God, both natures, spirit and life, from the Father through the Son in the love of the Mother for all becoming again in One Holy Spirit One God in being.
And the Word, the Family of God becomes flesh in the through the flesh of Jesus in the Christ for all mankind, becoming again, One Holy Spirit and One God in being.
The logical Trinity is to me, unknown properly and logically and rationally to the Catholic Church, the Founder of the Trinity. to me, logically and rationally the Trinity can only be, as three preexisting Gods in Being and each God equal in the powers of God, and each separately and each God and together as One God in Being, The Father The Son and The Mother together in One God, One Holy Spirit Family in being, OMNIlogically God.
Peace always,