Our greatest ally

I’ve heard this saying crammed down the American people’s throats, over and over and over and over again, and it’s like everyone just accepts it as some truth, and if you don’t then you are a “racist bigot antisemitic”

They scream and shriek it like a bunch of demons they do.

But what exactly have Zionist Jews done for the USA (or white people) that was good for us? Can anyone name anything at all?

I cannot think of a single thing positive on this one!

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The way I look at it is this. There are secular Jews, cultural Jews (who observe certain holidays, but do not go to Synagogue regularly, and then there are Jewish individuals who genuinely follow the laws of the Old Covenant as best as they know how, but fail to recognize Jesus is the Messiah that they hope for.

Jesus, Mary, and St. Joseph were the latter, but did trust in God.

There are some Evangelical Christians who believe that Israel must be protected at all costs, not because of Who Jesus is, but because they believe it will usher in Jesus’ return. They interpret the rebuilding of the Temple as literally and not pointing to Christ’s reresection (from my understanding).

There are some Conservative “Nationalists” and some inner-city “Liberals” who blame “The Jews” for all of the world’s problems. However, most of the things these individuals claim to be mad about are voluntary. You are free to opt-out of whatever evil you claim they are doing.

I have also encountered Traditional Catholics who sound anti-sematic. I’m not quite sure why this is. I have heard that in one of the Good Friday Prayers of the TLM it used the Latin word perfidus, meaning “faithless” or “unbelieving” to refer to the Jewish people of Jesus’ day (which was/is true). Apparently it was removed in 1959, because some took it out of it’s theological context. Perhaps someone from the Trad-Community can clarify this for me.

When we hate a group of people, it gives them power over your emotions. There are valid reasons to hate what individuals do. There are reasons to disagree with certain ideologies, but to hate a group for the actions of some is retąrded.

Without taking anyone’s side, Israel’s attacks on their enemies have killed Orthodox Christians, namely two cousins of former Congressman, Justin Amash, who were attending a Wedding. And I’m sure that there have been Christian lives lost from the actions taken by the other side too, along with other innocent human lives. Neither side is innocent and you cannot paint an entire group of people for the actions of some. I personally do not think that America should be funding these wars around the world when we have no money (our elected politicians are approaching $37 Trillion in debt that!) But, even if money was not a factor, I would be against the funding of these wars.

Here’s something sort of hidden away. Jews spit on Christian people. Are these people seriously good friends with us?

They behave like enemies and they tell us they are our greatest friends.

I live in a big US city with the largest population of Jewish living here. But the only group that completely isolates itself away from everyone else are the Jews who segregate in Jewish only neighborhoods. Why is that? It seems like the total opposite of an ally. Certainly not a great ally either.