For four years I’ve watched the Cardinal of my church profess the great benefits of bringing millions of them here. He often says that Mary and Joseph had to escape to give birth to Jesus, and for some reason that made it okay to invade the USA.
Traitorous behavior to say the very least because it is no mystery that “catholic charities” is involved with aiding and abetting millions of illegal aliens and the transnational trafficking of them across the entire globe. How nice is that, Mr famous Cardinal guy?
So how will these woke political church leaders start talking now? Are they still going to use nasty rhetoric against common sense Americans? Or will they begin switching their tune to align with our countries immigration and labor laws?
The Cardinal has not said much about the 350,000+ illegal alien children that disappeared during the process. Why would he ignore such an immense atrocity while preaching about how wonderful “immigrants” are?
“We need to open our doors and homes for them” he would say with zeal. But why would anyone want to expose themselves and their loved families to criminal aliens invading our country and breaking numerous laws and stealing from us? Who would be so stupid?
What are these church leaders going to say now? Will they continue to defy federal laws and continue misusing the gospel to justify their sick lies and political agendas?
I for one hope these cardinals consider themselves to be in limbo between jail and purgatory because what they have been supporting is against many laws and it is an absolute violation of everything in the Bible.
Pray for them and pray for the families of the dead and suffering victims of the illegal aliens. For once let’s pray for law abiding people who have been economically damaged by the invasion.
Bring law and order back to the USA and back to Catholic communities.
They lost me after I read about Catholic Charities, directed by the USCCB, reaping up to a Billion dollars per year in “aid” from their direct involvement in guiding people up to and across the border. It’s sad to have to peel back the layer of religion and spirituality and look at it for what it is at the base level. Money.
How do we know this? It could be argued that it’s been sensical for Catholic Charities et al to assist border crossers since the current administration broadcast the message to the rest of the world that they could walk into the U.S. However…now that the message and action will be to follow the letter of the law, Catholic Charities should abide by the change since it’s not a governmental body; it doesn’t make laws. So for it to protest changing anything,…Money.
Catholic Charities contributed more money towards the four year long invasion than any other organization. Essentially Catholic Charity’s is a clandestine para military operation with the goal of destroying America. Perhaps the goal beyond that is to destroy white countries (Europe, USA, Canada) and to dilute the white population of people.
And if you think this way ^^ they call you a racist, bigot, xenophobic, conspiracy theorist, white supremacist and ANTISEMITIC.
While you share truth {Thank you}, it raises the WWJD question: What Would Jesus Do?.. The Catholics Church: …"What the Catechism Says about Immigration - Catholic Stand
Secondly, it seems clear that as a powerful and thriving country, the USA has an obligation to welcome many more immigrants. Nonetheless, as a protector of its citizens, the USA has at least an equally strong obligation to vet these immigrants and to make sure that the basic rights of current citizens are not threatened. " Amen!
The USA already has immigration and labor laws, they just were not being enforced.
For the young (and soft minded) there is no emotional consideration. People are either in our country legally or illegally. There is no emotional soft reasoning behind it.
Furthermore, all illegal aliens need to be deported. All of them. There is no emotional pick-and-chose who they want to stay or go. The laws are black and white:
All illegal aliens are criminals. All of them. There is no soft spot in the law. It’s in black and white.
There is zero gay rainbow flag. No Care Bears coming to comfort you. No wokeness.
There are certain realities people need to learn about illegal immigration. If you are here illegally you should be arrested and charged, jailed and deported.