AI is a little creepy sometimes. I watched a YouTube video of Daniel O’Connor who wrote a book about AI/UFO deception. I found the discussion interesting. It seems that too much electronics seems to take away some of our humanity.
I watched a TedTalk video this morning where Stanford is trying to create a technology that thinks more like the human brain and that can be therefore interact with or be added alongside the brain. Because the brain uses fewer energy resources (or as I understood what he was saying, the brain tries to allocate how much energy the body needs to send to the brain to perform its tasks), where as A.i. is not great yet at managing energy usage. It was interesting, but at what point is too far? Science cannot answer this, but this is exactly what religion (and this document from the Vatican) explores.
I will not be attaching a chip to my brain. I am already opting-out of it. Don’t care if they try to mandate it or if they offer me free cheese-burgers for life (or however they tried to coerce individuals to inject messenger RNA (which is still experimental) into their bloodstreams. Hard pass.