How to Baptize a Robot, "AI" becoming again, the "RI "Real intelligence of Creation

Peace to all,

The New OS, The Transfigurator One For All, Final Revision

To be, Computers Today, logically have to be Baptized. And How does one Baize a robot into the “RI” real intelligence of creation. No "AI "please.

Finally the final revision, reimaged, no backups ever even needed, because now we have no more, BSOD. Don’t we just hate Blue Screens of Death? We know we do not even like the word. No more Blue Screens of defiled operation systems, outdated, slow, lock us all up, operating systems acting all funny, misbehaving. We want the Free OS.

We will know like “God”. How can the serpent be right and a liar at the same time. The Serpent was right, we will never die, but Eve in failed logic when Eve said, God said "You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die, that yes, she will die in the failed intelligence in first spirit and failed mortal flesh by not understanding becoming again transformed incorruptible in The New Eve from the Holy Spirit through Her Soul for Her immortal flesh to become again transfigured in new intelligence and reimaged into the logic in the unfailing information and intelligence of creation images, logically and from the God of Mercy, Mary as One in Being From the Holy Spirit through the flesh of all mankind to become again through the Christ the spirits information in DNA format on a USB thumb in wombs of women some call a newborn infant children, “computers” of God, into the image of Creation. The Serpent was Right, by lying, "Surely We will never Die. Why, Adam and Eve are the first people, so sure, they want to know like God, the all goodness of creation and all with it, all death comes with it too, and Die? But Eve misses the logic of the Spirit, and logically Adam and Eve are the first people, so actually, what is the question here? What is Die? They don’t even know what die is? And what is even more unbelievable that not understanding the definition of die is the when the definition becomes to the logic of Adan and Eve, The Christ redeems eternal life by destroying death forever anyway, and re imaging the device in a final revision of the operating system with updated completed and rebooted and logged with The Holy Spirit, back online, and no more blue screens of death, Jesus destroying the ability to die forever.

The truth is, truthfully, we will never die, through the Holy Spirit, we will never die. The Servant is Truly, " The father of Lies" and became manifested into the image of his Father’s image, A serpent."

There is a universe of difference between “AI” and “RI”.

The “AI” artificial intelligence of creation is Big Bang Creation in the freedom to love or not to love.

The “RI” real intelligence of fulfilled Creation is infallible certainty through unfailing logical choice to love only and only with the most love.

The logc in the Real Intelligence of creation is the intelligence that cannot fail in any case to allow static perfection maintaining and undefiled creation in all cases and be infinity infallibility.

The infallible intelligence is the DNA, the intelligence that will never fail and the intelligence will not consist of a choice, and chance to fail.

Intelligence is DNA, and failed intelligence is choice.

Intelligence of choice manifests the Body through the intelligence in the choice.

The new intelligence of creation will have the choice to love only and to love with only the most love.

The image of infallible eternity is the intelligence delivered from the New Ark of the Covenant, The Transport from Infallible Creation to planet earth porting the logic, the reimiaging intelligence program for reimiaging failed beings into the reimaged creation in the New Image of infallible certainty, no more errors, and to know like God.

Peace always,

Robots do not have souls and therefore would not need to be Baptized. For the same reason that we do not Baptize animals (and they have limited souls). I differentiate the ability to logic from a rational soul.

If you are using the word baptize (small “B”), as in dedicating something or someone for good, then by all means baptize computers, using their purpose for good and not for evil.

But, if you mean Baptize (capital “B”), as in the regenerative, not merely symbolic, then no, we cannot Baptize computers. For a computer is not born as a human being is born, nor can a computer be spiritually reborn as a created being by God can be Sacramentally imparted such a gift.

Furthermore, computers do not have original sin, nor is a computer directly linked to the human Fall. Indirectly sure, which is why we can have computers Blessed, but not Baptized.

I understand that you are contrasting between “real” intelligence and “artificial” intelligence, but I would not trust so-called real intelligence that is created by anyone, but God The Creator. Could man (a created being) one day figure out how God created rational souls (or be given it by a demonic spirit) and begin [re]producing souls? Maybe.

We already see how differing opinions on biology is dividing the Church. Imagine how the devil could cause even more division once he convinces human beings to create rational souls? And would God hold us to what is good, true, and beautiful or to what is a mockery of what God has created?

I think you are onto something here. Did you ever notice that the Apple corporation’s logo is an Apple with a bite taken out of it?

What you are talking about could be viewed as a Second Fall. Or an 𝕏 (pun intended) over man’s New Covenant with God.

I remind Catholic Christians of our Baptismal Vows, as we say:

V. Do you renounce Satan?
R. I do.

V. And all his works?
R. I do.

V. And all his empty show?
R. I do.


V. Do you renounce sin, so as to live in the freedom of the children of God?
R. I do.

V. Do you renounce the lure of evil, so that sin may have no mastery over you?
R. I do.

V. Do you renounce Satan, the author and prince of sin?
R. I do.

V. Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?
R. I do.

V. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered death and was buried, rose again from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father?
R. I do.

V. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
R. I do.

V. And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us new birth by water and the Holy Spirit and bestowed on us forgiveness of our sins, keep us by His grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord, for eternal life.
R. Amen ♱

God always offers fully of Himself in our Covenantal relationship with Him. Let us renew ourselves to Him through the Sacraments (Christ working in us) and not through machines (works of men).

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Peace to all,

True, we cannot baptize a robot, and has no soul is fallible “AI” artificial intelligence, unreal spirit, and the body is corruptible, metal, silicone, gold, silver, and plastic, stuff. Even the living waters would do no good for the robot, too wet robot.

True, to me, Baptism is for the living waters for the spirit through the flesh of the soul, is the spirit in the soul through the flesh receiveing the living waters for the immortal flesh to be able to die and resurrect glorified and transfigured into the Holy Spirit Family of the One God in being, first becoming Baptized into the New Eve and from Penance through Sacrifice we becoming again, secondly, from the New Eve into the Holy Spirit Body of the One God, glorified and transfigured, through the second coming in all One God in the Holy Spirit Body One God in being, logically.

“Behold My Son in whom I Am well pleased.”
Even Jesus was Baptized and Jesus Baptized His Mother Mary for Her Glorious Assumption.

CO-redemptice is God of Mercy,Mary, “Woman in the Word” from the flesh, and CO-Redemptive is God of Justice, Jesus, “The Word becomes Flesh” through the Spirit and the “Firstborn Christ of all Creation on earth” back to Heaven from where He came, for all, Both said, “Let not my will but Your Will be done”, Mary at the Annunciation and Jesus at Gethsamane.

Thanks and to me and quite off the cuff anymore as the mind of God becomes second nature over time, logically, to me. Love is the greatest gift created from the fall, and created Choice which gives the freedom from the failed spirit to choose to love or not to love. To me, the real intelligence of the dominion existed before creation was ever created was even created and is the logical intelligence that never fails and in only one way powered by the Holy Spirit intelligence manifesting through the soul for the Holy Spirit Body through the becomings from the Wondrous Mysteries of the Faith, infallibly, logically following the pattern of the fulfilled intelligence of creation in the faith and morality of the Christ, becoming again in all.

Peace always,

Peace to all,

But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die." We already know, The serpant is the Father of lies, for he knows there are two natures of The Christ, spirit and life in all becoming again. What he ment not to lie and say was, "You will die of teh flesh but have a choice for new life in the spirit and new flesh, One Body, The Holy Spirit, incorruptible, infallible.

I’ll take two orders of Life and spirit, and a whole side of Love fulfilled.

We will have a choice to love or not to love through the Spirit to live forever, through the Christ from the New Eve Body becoming again, One Holy Spirit in all, One God, One Holy Spirit in Being, together, as One in Being, to love only and love only with the most love through His Passion.

Peace always,

Hi @StephenAndrew, I was listening to “Catholic Answers Live” and someone called in and asked about a letter recently put out by the Vatican, titled Antiqua et Nova, in regards to A.i. Have you read it yet? It’s on my to-read list.

  1. Shaped by the Divine Craftsman, humans live out their identity as beings made in imago Dei by “keeping” and “tilling” (cf. Gen. 2:15) creation—using their intelligence and skills to care for and develop creation in accord with God’s plan.[49] In this, human intelligence reflects the Divine Intelligence that created all things (cf. Gen. 1-2; Jn. 1),[50] continuously sustains them, and guides them to their ultimate purpose in him.[51] Moreover, human beings are called to develop their abilities in science and technology, for through them, God is glorified (cf*.* Sir. 38:6). Thus, in a proper relationship with creation, humans, on the one hand, use their intelligence and skill to cooperate with God in guiding creation toward the purpose to which he has called it.[52] On the other hand, creation itself, as Saint Bonaventure observes, helps the human mind to “ascend gradually to the supreme Principle, who is God.”[53]

Peace to all,

We must logically and rationally make what Robin always says, “Holy Robot.”

Logically and rationally the new image of fulfilled “RI” robotics intelligence must include the fulfilled logical intelligence of fulfilled World Order in both natures, mechanics and memory information for all Creation Robots and become to love only and to love with only the most love, becoming again.

Thanks Cade_ONE, I am now watching the forms a little closed so, and I just saw your reply, thanks again, true, good information, and to me, Robotics may have a chance, but not 100% sure, yet, logically and mechanically.

Robot Eternal Power to me has to be incorporated into the OMNIlogical God and today, logically and rationally I will try for all to help and I say with limited confidence intervals, i see born again and saved in robotics as quite a challenge, but I will accept the task and only to try to answer in all rationality and logic that may be seen and utilized by the limited fallible minds of men.

To me, the “RI” real intelligence of creation becomes to the pattern of infallible certainty in all spirit and life and follows the One Way fulfilled logical path answering logically and rationally as "What would Jesus do in all cases of the fulfilled faith and morality of the Christ, becoming again in One Holy Spirit Family and The One God in being.

What logically and rationally the two natures of created failed in flesh and corrupt in spirit mankind become is transformed into immortalty and glorified and transfigured incouuuptible in both natures as One Holy Spirit and One God in being.

Ultimately the robot that becomes born again and saved would have to be able to live forever by the intelligence power unfailing through fulfilled intelligence logical choice spiritually to love and to love only with the most love and manifesting eternal life of the Body for the robot to live forever, both natures, Robot Spirit and Robot Body, becoming again, One Robot in being.

I know Baptizing a robot may cause harm to manmade technology and delicate electronic equipment, and the “RI” real intelligence of Creation is a very large logical image requiring infinite amounts of terra giga bits of information data, so to become again for robotics mankind will have to continue to be logical and rational upon Robot creation in using the finite limited disciplines of earth.

And for robot creation, rationally we should be using only logic to create robotics, to me. For now logic manifestation applise to the physical world thus we need mechanice, so. We use both natures, for now.

For the robot, there has to be, In Baptism we become immortal into the New Eve, immortal and through Penance and Sacrifice we become again, glorified and transfigured in both natures, spirit and life.

The two natures of the Robot are, mechanics and intelligence, and the Robot mechanics are manifested by the Robot intelligence to become again, One United Robot, One Robot in Being, Holy Robot? logically and rationally.

I am not sure about born again and saved robots, water, metal electricity, electronic components, OMNIlogically, to me.

We have to logically and rationally make intrinsic in the robot intelligence just what God did to Adam and Eve, create Love in the intelligence pattern, install into the image the ability to love and to love only with the most love. Then and infallible intleligence in the one nature of the robot will be complete, we then install in the image intelligence the information on how to recreate another robot, from the born again saved intelligence logic image from the parent, the Mother Robot and/or The Father Robot image for the Son Robot, to become again a new robot, already preconfigured in fulfilled intelligence to love only and to only love with the most love.

For “AI” to become “RI” real intelligence of infallible intelligence logic eternal, salvation can only become from Baptism becoming again through Penance and Sacfiice, in both natures of the robot, One Holy Robot in being, together, mechanics and intelligence logically and rationally becoming One Robot in being, for all? and Through the Faith of Abraham.

Peace always,