- Yes
- No
If its a sin then why are you on social media ? Why are you voting yes … catholic Talk is a social Media fourm and each roll scroll is doing what…I am the lords servant I believed in him I asked of the Lord God to hear me to show me of things and every wonder I have had has revailed to me the plan of the most high and that is the lord Of life not the lord of man …be truthful to the future generations world wide we all are the children of the future…its not just one generation its all generations.
I have no church like I have no home I am the poorest in the world and all children will understand that those whom are controling all mankind has been doing so due to thier own lives …the things the hirt them that cobtrolled them and so forth. Sorry Pope Sorry Catholic people I my self once wanted to be a nun of such great faith as a child and still of great faith of now the unseen forces… not just the ones whom control the radios but all mankind. Please what ever you were taught open your minds and see that war is not the answer that was what brought about clangs tribes seperations of yhe peoples of the old world the old testaments and new testaments as well We now see the raport of the world in a big brighter picture. And the course is changing for the better. No I am not racist I my self am of many races over the course of many generations. I am of many families my tree is far and wide. And growing wider each and every birth. NO I AM NOT LIKE ONE OF THE CULTS OF ANY OTHER RELIGION… I am just another human being I am one whom have see the works of wonders. As well the works of many others just like Jesus in his times in his travels with his family whom was told to move about as there was a King whom wanted him gone . Butno he became more he was a victim of poqer with in the walls of a certain peoples church. HE OPENED EYES OF THE WORLD AS WELL HEARTS POCKET PURSES WALLETS TOO…ENOUGH OF THE GREED OF THE POWERFUL AND RICH FOLKS. LETS RIGJT THE WORLD HERITAGE LETS TELL THE TRUTH LETS STIP THE KILLINGS LETS STOP THE HUNGER LETS EDUCATE THE RIGHT WAY LETS QUIT CHANGING AND TRYING TO CONFUSE THE MINDS OF ALL PEOPLES LETS BE THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD AND PUT RIGHT WHAT WE ALL WERE MEANT TO DO FROM THE START…LETS BE A WHOLE WORLD . A WORLD OF PEACE A WORLD FULL OF JOY A WORLD THAT WILL SHOW ONE ANOTHER THE LOVE AND COMPASSION THAT WILL SHOW RESPECT OF THIER ELDERS …STILL LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN WHEN THEY TALK LETS BELIEVE IN THE THINGS UNSEEN THE LOST SOULS STILL CRY OUT FROM THE SOUL OF EVERY NATION .LETS BLESS ONE ANOTHER BUT YET LETS DO IT IN AWAY THAT IS RIGHTOUS … BLESS THE WORLD IN JESUS NAME AMEN
I think that is depends how much you post daily.