I know it is none of my business, but…

What do I mean by this. My brother and his Wife are a member of the LĠBTQA.i.+ cult. They are fully boostered and still wear N95’s in public. Their 16 year old identifies as 13 year old boy and has changed her name twice! Her prefęrred pronŏuns are hę/thęy. Their three-and-a-half year old’s prefęrred pronŏuns are thęm/thęy! Anytime I try to have a conversation with my brother, he can never respond in his own words. He simply replies with a link to TıkTok. They have separated themselves from our family, which is very common among cults. They have a new family now, that meets in the month of June to celebrate prıde.

Similarly, MAGA, rallies around a flag. Many believe Donald John Trump was chosen by God. I have seen Scripture verses waved on signs, decorated on billboards, and written into praise & worship type songs, referencing to Trump as being chosen by God. It is borderline idol worship.

I believe that had President Trump won re-election, it would have been the Democrats #resisting and the cult of MAGA rolling up their sleeves to receive Trump’s “beautiful” messenger RNA into their veins in “warp speed!” It would be the Trumpers wearing MAGA Masks in the grocery store isles (to spite the evil Democrats who are resisting Trump). The word “angel” means messenger. Those who received the RNA might be referred to as angels by fellow cult members. If anyone is writing a dystopian novel, feel free to use this : )

The real question is, would we see Pope Francis still pushing this pharmaceutical product as being the “Christian” things to do, had President Trump won re-election? On one hand, Pope Francis is clearly driven by his political ideologies, but on the other hand, he has met with the CEO of Pfizęr on multiple occasions. Come to think of it, isn’t Pope Francis the only absolute Monarch left in Europe? Someone can fact-check me ; )

A little off-topic, but I enjoyed this exploration into Whom is Donald J. Trump actually Married to in the eyes of the Catholic Church?