Dose your Parish do a Pilgrimage of any sort?

I had an idea for our Church to walk in Prayer/silence from our Church to the Church in the next town over. We would have Mass, a meal, and then camp out overnight in tents. Then walk to the Shrine in the next town over for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, followed by Mass.

Well, I saw in our Parish bulletin, a few Seminarians will be doing something similar, walking 68 miles over the course four days, in Prayer for Vocations. Unfortunately, this will be taking place on week days, when I work, so I will not be able to join them.

Our previous Parish would sponsor a pilgrimage to the March for Life. I’ve hear of other Churches sponsoring youth pilgrimages to World Youth Day or Steubenville Youth Conferences.

Does your Parish sponsor or host any types of pilgrimages? Maybe to the Holy Land or some place local?

Our parish usually organizes a trip to the shrine in Carey, Ohio once a year.

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