My wife and I went for our son’s anatomy scan. The relief and joy of seeing our healthy unborn baby was great and we were very happy as he is perfectly healthy. As we stood by the check-out, I noticed a crucifix on the wall and didn’t think much of it. I turned away for a moment, only to realize that this wasn’t a Catholic institution. When I looked back, the crucifix had vanished without a trace within seconds. It was definitely there when I first looked. I can’t shake the feeling of unease. Has anyone else encountered something like this? Is this a sign or something?
When I was a teenager, my grandfather was hooked up to life support. When my family was told he was brain dead, the decision was made to unhook him. As we were standing there sobbing as he was drawing his last breaths, a chaplain arrived and consoled us. He gave us hugs and comforted us, assuring us everything was okay. A few days later, my mother called the hospital to get the name of the chaplain so that she could thank him. The hospital told her that they didn’t have a chaplain that night and didn’t have one that matched that description. We accepted it as an angelic visitation. Could’ve been a preacher visiting someone else of his own accord and just happened to see a family in need. Only God knows.
What a gift! This is a very touching story. Thanks be to Jesus.