The Logic of Co-Redemptive Process in Catholicism

Peace to all,

We know, what is created become and becomes again, through the logical Process of Born again saved as a Catholic with respect to the Faith of Abraham in the same rational pattern of infallible intelligence in fulfilled creation.

There are two sacraments from death to life.
Baptism is death to life from for the fleshthrough the New Eve, and Penance is death to life in the Holy Spirit, the Word, the Father, The Son and The Mother of God in all mankind becomes flesh, Jesus in The Christ becoming again in all in God the Holy Spirit.

From the Father and God of Creation, all mankind is created from the failed spirit through the soul for the mortal failed flesh becoming transformed into immortality through the flesh of the New Eve from the incorruptible Power of the Holy Spirit to sanctify the Body of Christ in all mankind. To me this is the first coming of the Christ in all mankind and come from Mary, from the Immaculate Conception through the Virgin Birth of the Christ. Mary logically is the Co_Redemtive God of Transformation in the Trinity and Person in being fro all mankind through New Eve becoming again. And the Second coming of all mankind is from Jesus, Co-Redemptive as the God of Glorification and Transfiguration secondly and becoming again for all as One in Being.

Mary is God of Mercy, fulfilling the New Living Sacrifice through eternal life in the Body of the New Eve becoming again by the God of Glorification and Transfiguration and God of Justice, Jesus for all as one in being together from the Father through the Love of the Mother in the fulfilled morality through Jesus, The Son in His Passion through the combined powers of infallible intelligence becoming again through all mankind, glorified and transfigured,

To me The Trinity is Persons of being in the Father and the Son and the Mother of God and each are separately God in power and each fully God and together as One Holy Spirit, One God in being.

Peace always,

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May the peace of Christ be with you.

I think some clarification is needed in case someone who is not Catholic were to stumble upon this and think this is what we believe.

There is one God in three Persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). They are distinct Persons, though united in the divine Substance.

The Father is God; the Son is God; the Holy Spirit is God.

But the Father is not the Son nor the Holy Spirit; and the Son is not the Father nor the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the Son (a.k.a. the Word) made flesh. He is true God and true Man. At the Incarnation, he became what he was not, yet remained what he was.

Jesus is neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit.

Mary is not God. She enjoys a profound spiritual union with God, but she is not a divine Person (i.e. she is not one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity).

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are eternal. Mary was created in time and is a human person.

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Peace to all,

Thanks Father, and God Bless you and always to me, the intelligence of creation existed in logic to me before physical creation on earth, rationally, logically, to me.

Creation and Co-Redemption logically is God created all mankind from the Father to earth through Mary, the New Eve and Woman from Earth, becoming again in all mankind, through Jesus and Man from Heaven becoming to Earth in One Family in the Trinity and One God in the One Holy Spirit Family.

To me the intelligence of filfilled creation contains the infallible logical program information from the Father through The Mother in The Son for one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in being through all of the Powers of The Trinity as One Holy Spirit Power in being, together. The Holy Ghost left behind from the Cross is the Advocate, The Paraclete, The One Holy Family in being in the One Trinity.

Thanks Father, true, and to me, the intelligence of creation existed in logic to me before physical creation on earth, rationally, logically, to me.

To me Jesus is God in Heaven in the Holy Spirit with the Mother and The Father, all pre-existing beings in intelligence logic existing before physical creation in logic and Jesus is Man from Heaven becoming to earth delivering The Holy Family in the Flesh. The Word is the Persons of the Trinity, together in the flesh of Jesus on earth through the Christ, the Christ is Jesus in person carrying with Him the Holy Family. Logically, The Word becomes flesh through the Person of Jesus delivering with Him from Family of God through the flesh, to become again, the second coming is the glorified and transfigured Body of Christ as One in Being in the Holy Spirit and One God. Jesus in the flesh carries forward the Holy Spirit Family, becoming the Christ in all mankind. The Word is all three Persons of the Powers of fulfilled Heaven and is the Trinity of the Powers in Heaven in Person, and the One God, to me. The Word in heaven manifests the powers intrinsically from within to create transform immortalize and make incorruptible and glorify and transfigure through flesh from spirit in the souls for all becoming again the One Holy Spirit and One God. The Created Bodies of Adam and Eve become immortalized, made transformed incorruptible through the Christ to become again, glorified and into the Holy Spirit family delivered from the Ark of the New Covenant, logically, rationally and through the Faith of Abraham, to me.

What allows the Trinity to be seen as the Holy Family make it easier to see the personal relationship always being referenced. The personal relationship is the Persons of the spirit pre-existing as People in being, the Mother, The Father and the Son, together, logically in a family, the Trinity of Heaven as it is on earth personally. Correct logic follows the personal relationship of the family.

And Jesus at the time before creation was never created and is a Divine Person and not a human Person.

Mary pre-existed in Intelligence logic through the Word before creation was even created as The Queen of Heaven. the Pattern becomes the image of infallible certainty eternally for all unfailing, undefiled, internal temptations removed and sanctified and only able to love with only the most love through His Passion fulfilled in faith and morality through the Ark of The New Covenant.

True, Jesus is neither the Father but in the Holy Spirit. And true, Mary is not the Son nor the Father but in the Holy Spirit. The Father is not the Son or Mary and Queen of Heaven, but in the Holy Spirit.

We become as one in being together from the Father through The Son in the love of The Mother for becoming again in the One Holy Spirit being and The One God.

Each exist in infallible intelligence logic of the Holy Spirit together with The Father and they were all together in One Holy Spirit before Creation, making them all pre-existing Person of Gods in being.

Thanks Father and God bless you always, so true. To me the Persons in the Holy Trinity aree The Father and The Son, and Jesus pre-existed as the The Word before creation was ever created was even created and The Mother of God, Mary, Queen of Heaven. And the Word is three persons each separately God and equal in the powers of God and together one God in being in the Holy Spirit and One God that becomes flesh in the Christ conceived from the Word, The Divine Trinity, The Holy Spirit, The Persons of God in the flesh, together in the soul of Jesus becoming The Christ.

In the beginning was the Word, The Father, The Son and The Mother. And the was was with God, in God was The Father, The Son and The Mother, and the Word was God. The Word is the Holy Spirit in Heaven and The Word is The Father, The Son and The Mother on earth as a Family of God in the Flesh, becoming again, One in Being in the One Holy Spirit being and One God from the Father through the Son in the Mary existed in Heaven as the Immaculate Conception before Creation and Mary Existed in earth before creation as The Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. Jesus, Mary’s Son existed before Creation in the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son, together.

Seems to me, Mary is God of Mercy becoming for all Immortality and incorruption from the failed mortal flesh and corrupt spirit through the souls of Adam and Eve. The New Eve is from the Immaculate Conception through the Virgin Birth for all becoming again. Jesus is God of Justice becoming again for all mankind glorified and transfigured united in The One Holy Spirit being. Jesus in The Christ left behind for all from the cross the Ghost, The Holy Spirit Family in being in The New Eve from the Immaculate Conception for all in the Christ, becoming again, One Divine Family of God in being.

Like, I’m thinking The New Eve is all mankind transformed into immortality and incorruption in the Body of Christ, secondly becoming again glorified and transfigured for all united in the One Holy Spirit and The One God in being. The Holy Spirit is three Divine pre-existing Persons each God separate in the powers and equal in the powers in One God in Jesus is neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit being.

To me, and looking forward, It is that no one quite yet understands the Logic of The Trinity. Can you help me help all understand this logic, Father? To me, we know Peter has the keys to the kingdom, and this helps in logic and rationale and through the Faith of Abraham also find the Kingdom, and we know Jesus is God, so is the Father and Mary existed in Heaven as the Immaculate Conception before Creation and Mary Existein Jesus and Man from Heaven becoming to Earthd in intelligence logic before creation as The Mother of God and Queen of Heaven. Jesus Her Son existed before Creation in the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son, together in the Holy Spirit and so with Mary, to me.
The Trinity Diagram
The Trinity Diagram

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew