The Abrahamic God is the God of Two natures

Peace to all,

To me, The God of Abraham is Two Nature, spirit and life in the Body. Logically the New Living Sacrifice is the Host from Heaven to earth, the CO-Redemptive Powers from the Immaculate Conception “woman in the Host”, yes Lord make my will Yours", through the Virgin Birth for the The Eternal Priestly Authority in “The Word becomes flesh” through the fulfilled intellicence logic of Creation, Jesus in the Christ and “Firsborn Christ of all Creation”, becoming again in all mankind, said in the Garden, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” through Both Christs on Earth, Mary and Jesus, and by contact, transforms and glorifies and transfigured by contact of all or even any of the senses for all, to me.

He breathed on them and they received the spitit, jest blew on them, and some he just touched, others just even touched Him. Wow.
An repulsively he spits in the face of one, on one, well I’m sure Jesus spit gently, but still gently spitting is still, spitting and in the face, and he is not even a bad man, a good man, logically, Jesus spits in the face of a blind man, even twice to make him see.

i like that part in the Bible not sure where it is written, “and they stop in their tracks when, He takes Hold of the casket and openes it, and the dead man sits up, and he begins to speak, Jesus gives him back to his mother.” Mama.

The Immaculaete Conception, “Woman in the Host.”

Peace always,

Where did you get the expression “woman in the Host”? Any reference?
It’s important, since I wrote a book about how the Saints described Mary’s physical presence in the Eucharist. Please reply directly to my email, since I rarely visit this site: f.nazar with “woman in the host” as subject (I receive hundreds of emails per day). Thank you!

Peace to all,

Mary is the Mother of God in the flesh, in the New Eve, logically. The OMNIlogical God is the same God of Isaac and Ishmael in a different discipline, logically. Mother Of Mercy and God of Transfiguration in intelligence logic existing before creation, already present in the image of fulfilled creation and the logic becomes from within, thus OMNIlogical, and preexisting and self manifesting intrinsically through the persons of Powers in beings.

“May it be done to me not my will but Yours” is logically “Woman becomes The Host.”

The Host is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Christ and Mary is truly the First Christ on earth, sharing the Soul of the Christ through the Holy Family in the Trinity and the Powers of Persons in beings of Creation, Transformation and Glorification and Transfiguration becoming again as One in Being, from the Ark of the New Covenant in 0 A.D. the beginning of Church time in “The Year of the Lord”, through the Christ, logically.

And Co-Redemptive as God of Mercy through the Immaculate Conception becoming immortality and incorruption in the New Eve, The Christ in all mankind, becoming again, glorified and transfigured. and God of the Nature, new life in the Body, the New Temple for the New Living Sacrifice in the Christ for all.

The two natures , life and spirit have to be united or there will be contention between the brothers, who only remain cousins to all mankind, logically.

From One Father, through One Son in One Mother, Mary, OMNIlogically all God.

For from him, The Father and through him, The Son and for her, Mary are all things.
To him, The One Holy Spirit be the glory forever! Amen.

Once the Church logically understands the Trinity, Mary will be the Miriam Presence Pope Francis and the Church is searching for, logically.

Peace always,