Is it appropriate to Read during Adoration?

  • Yes (assuming it is something faith enriching)
  • No (you should be focused only on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament)
  • No (especially not social media posts)
  • Yes (as long as you acknowledge Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament)
  • Yes (but, the majority of time should be listening to Jesus)
  • Yes (I feel that this is one of of the ways God speaks and I listen)
  • Yes (but, taking time to Pray in between pages/chapters)
  • Yes (especially Sacred Scripture)
  • What is Adoration?
  • Other
0 voters

I know what adoration is but why is it so special? I can receive communion at mass so why go to adoration?

We believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. In Receiving Him at Mass, Jesus offers us Himself fully and we ourselves fully to Him. Holy Communion is intimacy with our Lord. And like in our relationships with those whom we love, there are other forms of intimacy and friendship.

When we go to Adoration, we are adoring Jesus, our Lord, our Savior. I compare it to spending time with someone you love. Even if no words are exchanged, just being in their presence brings you joy. Like watching the beauty of a Sunrise/Sunset with someone.

I also think of the Biblical account where Jesus visits Mary & Martha. Martha is running around doing things like cooking and cleaning for their company while Mary just sits and visits with Jesus. Martha comes in and is like, “Can you believe this?! Here I am doing all this work, while she just sits there!” Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen the better part. Scripture tells us that Mary sat with Jesus and just listened to Him speak with her.

I think sometimes as Christians we can focus a lot on serving God (which is good), but often do not take the time to listen to Him or just spend time with Him (in reading our Bibles, in Prayer, or in Adoration).

Our Church has 24-hour Adoration on the second Monday of the Month. And Every Wednesday Night we have a “Power Hour” where there is a Praise Group playing Contemporary Christian Music (Matt Maher and Chris Tomlin songs, etc.) They also throw in a few traditional Hymns. There is Benediction and Reconciliation offered during.

The Parish that my Wife and I were Married used to have what was called, “Ignite.” During an Ignite event someone would share their testimony or conversion story, followed by Adoration and Reconciliation accompanied by two very talented gals singing and playing Praise Music. It was called Ignite, because it would be dark in the Sanctuary with a spotlight on the Blessed Sacrament and as you would enter, you would take a small candle up to a 5-tiered platform and place it there along with everyone else’s and as more came to Adore our Lord and offer their Prayer intentions, the more light and warmth there would be.

But, some of my favorite moments at Adoration are when it is just me and Jesus sitting in silence. Away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. To just spend time with Jesus in this way is truly a gift. If you have not been to Adoration in a while or ever, I recommend it. Jesus is truly present there and He wants to spend a little time with you, whom He loves.

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Thank you for this heartfelt explanation.

After checking four boxes about why and what it’s OK to read, I’ll say that I hardly ever have read during adoration. One holy hour I used to go to (we moved, and that’s why I don’t go there any more) had about 40 minutes of structured prayer and about 20 minutes of silence. In a parish I used to attend, there was adoration that ended with benediction but before that we had hours of silence. In those times, I might read, but on the whole, at adoration the light is dim enough that I have trouble reading.

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For me, reading during Adoration is akin to visiting a family member for dinner and staring at your cell phone the entire time. Seems rude to me. I think reading the Bible is perhaps different since that can be like a conversation with God.

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I respect your point of view.

To sit and adore the One who loves you and gave His life and left us His Precious Body and Blood our food for the spiritual journey.

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