Do you like incense during the Sacred Liturgy?

For the record, I do.

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I love it, but the altar servers never keep the thurible moving enough to sustain the coals so the incense will die out before mass is even half over!

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Depends on the quality of the incense and amount. I LOVE billowing clouds of good incense and dread the choking, eye-burning, acrid cheap stuff. The poor People of God have long endured the cut-rate version—it’s time we spend money on our worship instead of cutting corners.


Yes, as long as I am not too near the smoke, it aggravates my allergies.

I adore incense. It’s been used for thousands of years to heighten our sense of God. I burn Frankincense at home just to smell like church… We should be worshipping with all 5 senses :slight_smile:

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Not any more. 60 years ago when I was an altar server it didn’t bother me, but now it makes me cough.