Do Catholic Christians Worship A Virgin?

Catholic Christians do worship a virgin, but His name is not Mary. We honor Mary, our Blessed Mother and she points us to her Son, a virgin, our Savior. Amen!

Feel free to expand on this topic, to grow in our understanding of Mary as our Mother and Jesus as our Lord.


The worship of Mary was formally condemned by Vatican II, it is called Mariolatry. Mary is always a CREATED being. Therefore, she is not divine, not an object of faith but an aid to our faith in Christ

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Mariolatry…an old Protestant argument, many times debunked.

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There was a heresy in the early days of the church called Collyridianism (sp) which was condemned and put down by the Church. It elevated Mary to goddess status and the Church said NO. Mention this to any Protestants to claim that the CC worships Mary as God and set them straight. There are other things to respond with but this should do for now. God Bless

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We pray to the Virgin Mary our Mother to pray to her son for us she is holy and we worship her for her being the Mother of Jesus we don’t consider her to be a God…

Protestants think themselves clever to ask this because they have hea the d is re do er to the Mother of Jesus as the Blessed VIRGIN Mary . Why they want to waste so much effort on tricks is beyond me.

“heard US refer…” Oops! Sorry!

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I know this. You know this. All God’s Catholic children know this. But there is an entire cottage industry devoted to “disproving” Catholic dogma. They make a LOT of money doing it. It’s not charitable to say, but…May they never know a moment’s joy spending it! The Pharisees thought themselves clever trying to trip up Our Lord, too. It’s something quite different from honest enquiries.

There was a group of people in the early Church that started worshipping Mary. It was called “collyridianism” and this heresy was condemned by the Church and put down.

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Jesus, the Creator of all life, came to earth and through the Arc of the New Covenant, Mary, to teach His Passion. The Church is everything if all the books were written not even to world could not contain them. She IS Power.

We don’t worship Mary. We honor her as our Blessed Mother.

Was Jesus a virgin? Do we not worship Jesus? If yes, then we worship a virgin, do we not? It was a trick question : )

Born again,saved.
We received a new mother from the cross. When jesus told the disciple whom he loved the most behold your mother. That disciple was you you were there at the cross. The beloved disciple at the time was john. But we are all his beloved disciples the disciples whom he loves the most. We take her home as John did. We become brothers and sisters of Jesus in the new eternal flesh Through And saved by the blood of God, the Host that came down from heaven in the arc of the new covenant, Mary, the mother of all the living flesh. The teaching church. His Passion.


A few things about the discussion of Mary and her veneration being perceived as worship that you all might find interesting.

Early on in the Muslim faith, one of the factors that prevented Christian and Muslim brotherhood was the Muslim perception that the Holy Trinity was actually “Father, Son and Mary”. This issue, at least in theory, continues into the modern day but only because of the texts that Muslims have. Such issues can obviously be resolved through good conversation.

The other issue, mainly pertaining to protestants, likely comes from the way the Church uses language to describe aspects of Mary. Mary is called the “mediatrix of all graces” (mediatrix meaning “female medium”). I have personally read/heard her called the “neck of the Church for graces” (meaning that graces flow from Jesus through Mary to the Church). And all of this can sound very extreme if they don’t understand that the reason why the Church claims these things is because Mary accepted the honor and responsibility of being Jesus’s mother.

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