Considering I now know God personally…

Considering I now know God my father personally and Jesus are king forever I am in more of a deeper relationship but things haven’t gotten more intense it’s just that my awareness of life and other things have so my walk with God has actually become better because our relationship is continuing on in a greater way that I’ve ever known before but is it really the key to only just to get to know God and get to heaven and everything else I’m discovering more and more it’s less about myself or even a God my Father but more about those that do not yet know him.

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That is great Alex! One thing all of the Saints have in common is that they had a personal relationship with our Lord.

I have found that the closest I’ve been to the Lord, the less I see the sin in others and the more I see the sin in my own life, which makes me all the more grateful for what Christ has done for me and continues to do in my life.

I don’t know where I would be without Him. Thank you for being here and sharing.