Born again, Saved

Peace to all,

To me born again and saved can be Catholic in all respects. Born from the corrupt spirit through the soul for the failed mortal flesh we become reborn through the Living Waters of Baptism reborn from the Sanctified Holy Spirit through the soul for the immortal flesh in the New Eve and we are saved through Confirmation and in hearing the words of Absolution forgiven in Penance through Sacrifice and in Communion with Him we are re-Sanctified and Confirmed in the Will of Creation becoming again into the image of the Creator and God for the Father.

Born is Creation and is from the Father and we are reborn transformed from the spirit to the souls of all in the New Eve from the incorruptible Holy Spirit through the soul of The Christ in the Immaculate Flesh from the Virgin Birth and Eternal Love of the Mother of God and saved through His Passion becoming again glorified and transfigured into the Image of the Creator and God for the Father.

To me, logically and rationally and through the Faith of Abraham, Mary and the Mother of God in the Holy Spirit for all mankind and Mary the Mother of all the New Living Flesh in the New Eve becoming again for all, Mary is present before creation was ever created was even created and Our Sister, Our Mother and Bride of Christ. To me, Mary should be in the Catholic Trinity and The Immaculate Conception is the First Christ in the Mind of God through the flesh of a Human and the First Disciple of Christ when Mary said, “Let it be not my will but Your Will be done.”

From the Powers of The Father, creation and The Son, Transformation and The Mother in the Powers of Glorification and Transfiguration are From the Powers in each God and equal in the Powers of God and together as one God in Being.

From the Name of the Father and God and through the Name of The Son and God and in the Love of the Mother and God for all as one in the Holy Spirit together in the One God in being.

Peace always,

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Peace to all,

Rhetorically we ask? Logically, and rationally, Mary belongs in the Trinity and only through the OMNIlogical God, to me.

Pope Francis always says, "Don’t preach, don’t proselytize. yet generalize for all to help us see together for all, to me. Yes Papa.

Through the faith of Abraham we are saved, and through the OMNIlogical God we know like Him.

We are created from the failed spirit through the souls of all for the flesh to manifest glorified and transfigured spirit and life in the One Holy Spirit Family of God.

To me OMNIlogically, what is Born Again is Baptism into The Church through the New Eve. Becoming from the Holy Spirit sanctified from the Holy Spirit through the souls of all for immortality of the flesh to become again. In generalization logical reasoning is required for proper understanding rationally from human senses through manifesting the intelligence of Creation becoming to all mankind from infallible certainty unfailing in all cases, OMNIlogically to know like God.

And rationally, to me, never before on earth has the OMNIlogical God been made manifest, until now.

And Saved are the souls of all mankind reimaged through Penance and Sacrifice into the intelligence of creation from Jesus, the God of Justice and the God of Glorification and Transfiguration into the One Holy Spirit Family, The One OMNIlogical God.

And made clear is the logic of the Wondrous Mysteries of the Faith through all of the logical formulas that transform and transfigure, glorified as One in being in the One Holy Spirit One OMNIlogical God, same God of all the Fathers with a God of the different name, same God.

Take for example the logic, and who can be the first one to argue, the intelligence of Creation. There are Three Powers of the Universe, Creation, Transformation and Glorified Transfiguration. And each power existed in the logical infallible intelligence before creation was ever created was even created. Even logic has gender, rationally thinking and Creation is from the Powers of the person of the Father from the Transformation powers through the Mother becoming immortality through the flesh for the souls of all for the Son in the Powers of Glorification and Transfiguration for all mankind One in Being back from where the spirit came, Heaven. And each of the Powers are equal in the Powers of God and separate Gods in persons in being and God and together as One Holy Spirit Family, One God in being.

I am logically seeing the Trinity as Three Persons, The Mother The Father and The Son in One Holy Family and One Holy Spirit He came to deliver in the Ark of the New Covenant, OMNIlogically, rationally and through The Faith of Abraham, to me.

Logically, and rationally, Mary belongs in the Trinity and if not what is missing?

The OMNIlogical God is the God of all Fathers with different Names of the Same God of All the Fathers, in both Natures, spirit and life, OMNIlogically.

The New God, OMNIlogically.

The Same Catholic God for the fulfillment through His Passion from the created love of Adam and Eve.

Peace always,