Born again saved as Catholic is Evangelistic, to me

Peace to all,

To me logically, Born again and saved from the Co-Redemptive powers from becoming transformed through Mary for Jesus, becoming again in all glorified and transfigured, One God in being One Holy Spirit.

Peace always,

I think I understand what you are saying. Mary points us to her Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, which is by definition Evangelistic. Great point! One I haven’t given much thought about.

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Peace to all,

True, Cade_One.

Rationally to become into the Mind of God, we become His Will and Mary became the New Eve in 0 A.D. (Anno Domini, Latin for "The beginning of Church Time) when Mary said, “Let not my will but Your Will be done” at the Annunciation, from the incorruptible Holy Spirit through the immaculate flesh becoming the New Eve.

Yes Cade_One, to me logically, no on can properly define born again saved unless we look at from created and through the becomings logically, rationally and through The Faith of Abraham. From the New Eve through the Christ in the Virgin Birth, also in 0 A.D. (Anno Domini means The year of the Lord(s). From Mary in the New Eve we are Transformed, Here Born Again and for Jesus in the New Eve through the New Adam becoming The Holy Spirit Re-Sanctified and Baptized and Confirmed Christ, we logically are glorified and transfigured, logically Saved reimaged into the infallible intelligence logic of the unfailing universe manifesting immortally through The Entire Holy Spirit Body incorruptibly from The Power of the Holy Spirit and the choice becomes only able to love and to love with only the most love, through both natures, spirit and life becoming again One God in being One Holy Spirit Family.

Peace always,