Who will find it harder to believe in a loving and caring creator

I started reading a book tonight and the author wrote about When belief fails. In the opening chapter, he poses this question: “Who will find it harder to believe in a loving and caring creator — a secure Western scientist in search of explanations in a well-funded laboratory, or a peasant woman in Ethiopia whose children have starved to death before her eyes?” We cannot know, but the question makes us ponder why humans “cease to speak of God” or have “forgotten his name.”

It’s of course a case by case scenario, but the first two things that came to my mind were how the Western populace has fallen from grace to embrace idols such as money and fame, while missionary works in Haiti have been extremely successful even though they’ve seen their country be ravaged by natural disasters and corrupt government for decades.

The scientist may be too enveloped in their day to day workings and feel secure in their existence, causing them to not even bat an eyelash when it comes to the topic of a “higher power”. Meanwhile the vilomah could be more receptive to Christ knocking at her door as she mourns and possibly blames herself for what has happened around her.