The Miraculous Event

Greetings! I share the link to my opinion piece after reading Salman Rushdie’s memoir. Although it’s a defense of the faith, I wouldn’t deem it Apologetics. Blessings, Anthea


Thank you for your article. Reminds me how grateful I should be to believe in God!

Thanks for your comment! Yes, gratitude leads to humility!

Hi Anthea, I read your opinion piece, and I thought you did a great job with it. I especially enjoyed the end, where you confronted your Atheist colleague on his lack of proof that there is no God. In the spirit of that conversation, I would like to offer you this documentary film on YouTube, it presents powerful evidence for God’s existence from science:

It looks like playlists don’t post here well, I’ll try sharing the first video in the series, and see if that works:

Third try, I’ll just post the link this way. Here is Unlocking the Mystery of Life.

Thanks for sending the link Jason! It’s difficult convincing someone who doesn’t believe in an “author of life” let alone the mystery of the Trinity to rationalize such truths. Faith is the key, and the more you try to unravel the mystery, the less likely you are to believe.

I’ve always liked this quote. “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.”