What are your thoughts on Mel Gibson's Letter to Archbishop Viganò?

  • Interesting, but do not fully agree
  • Don’t care
  • Agree with him 100%
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I do not believe Archbishop Viganò should have been excommunicated. I am not a Sedevacantist though.

I believe that both Francis and Viganò are doing what they are doing for reasons that they believe are right and just.

This being said, I believe Viganò’s heart is more in line with protecting the truth and beauty of the Catholic Christian Faith, whereas our Jesuit Pope is more about Christ’s mercy and reaching those who might not otherwise ever have encountered Christ.

If we could somehow merge the passions of both of these men, we would have a Pope that is after Christ’s heart and Truth!

I agree with almost all of it, with one major caveat. If the True Church ended at Vatican 2 then Christ and the Holy Spirit has left us orphans. I cannot reconcile that sentiment with the Catholic view of a sacerdotal system.

I recently listened to an interview with the co-author of “Persecuted from Within” by Alec Torres & Joshua Charles.

They looked at Saints throughout the History of the Church who had to go through similar struggles as we are going through today.

I have not read this book yet, but you might check it out : )

People need to realize Pope Francis DID NOT excommunicate Archbishop Vigano–he brought it on his own head. Directly due to his insubordination and arrogance, he excommunicated himself latae sententenciae, NOT by papal decree. The Archbishop’s disrespectful behavior caught up with him!

I wrote about this a couple weeks ago.

I do agree that Francis has said and done things that are heretical which are leading the church in a very dangerous direction. I can off hand think of the time in which he stated that “There are many ways to God”. This being in direct opposition to John 14:6. The time a false idol was allowed in the Vatican during the Amazon Senate which some priests bowed before it! Then you have the blessing of homosexual couples! His progressive pontificate is only after pleasing people and the world when the truth is the Church carries the duty of doing the opposite, to lead the body of Christ to be obedient to the teachings of Our Lord; Deuteronomy 28:13. All this being said I do realize that he is the pope and God willing there will be a shift in the coming years. I pray at my home parish before the Blessed Sacrament every day for the pope, all the bishops, cardinals, priests, deacons, and religious. This is what I can do, and we all should and then have faith and know that God has his plan.

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Francis is not a pope. He was not validly ordained like previous (alleged) popes since Pius XII. At this point, I lean toward Sedevacantism. Their camp is the most logical one. A real pope does not do the things francis does. End of Sentence. The only explanation for all the lawlessness and idiocy in the Vatican is Sedevacantism. That doesn’t mean that Jesus has abandoned all his followers in the novus ordo “branch”-- but I, for one, have had a lot of problems with clergy therein. It’s almost like they can sense I’m an old fashioned Catholic even without talking to me… Happy-making! Must be doing something right!

I’ve heard many Catholics say they are praying for him… looks like those prayers are not being answered, at least not as-prayed. I have a theory about the chaos in the Church today, namely that once someone embraces heresy, he or she has such a fast track to perdition that the fast track they’re on will not stop, barring a miracle. That’s just the way human beings are made. They are not made for falsity but once they embrace it… they become blind somehow. Sin destroys people, in other words. Jesus came to save us from ourselves but few listen to Him, which is what He says… the way is Narrow and there are FEW who find it

I understand your view. I believe it was Saint Fuastina who visited our Lord and given the message of his divine mercy said something like; the last hour abounds with mercy for us and that even if a person’s sins were as dark as night, God’s mercy is stronger than ours. That gives me great hope to pray for souls who are in most need of his mercy! Our Lord is so great he can use our sufferings if we offer them up for others.

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The Sedevacantists don’t think Faustina should have been canonized. They are critical of some of the things she said, like one time she alleges that Jesus told her she was the one who loved Him the most or something like that… Oh wait… maybe it was that she was the most pure of the ones who love Him… yeh… I think that was it. So the Sedes at this one site said that that was awful or whatever bc Mary was the most pure… The thing is, she could have meant that her love was the most pure of humans alive in her era, so I thought that was a little over the top for the Sedes… Also, they think that the novus ordo is always focused on forgiveness and never on the Justice of God, so they don’t like all the talk about mercy… Well, frankly, on that one, I agree. Vatican II kind of took the whole idea of Hell out of Church teachings… (modern Church teachings, that is)

I absolutely do NOT agree w/ this. Francis is not a pope according to my information and I have studied this rather in depth. A true pope does not do what he does. He blesses same sex “marriages” and then excommunicates his own Catholic clergy? As they say at Most Holy Family Monastery website
he is not Catholic (much less pope)