To me Mary belongs in the Trinity, we can ask Pope Francis

Peace to all,

“You can debate this, but the two principles are there,” Pope Francis said. “It is more important to have the Marian [dimension] than the Petrine,” because the church is the bride of Christ.

From generalization rationally speaking We know in the fulfilled intelligence logic of creation the The Parents of Jesus existed before creation was ever created was even created from the Powers of the Persons in being through the One Holy Spirit for all.

“We can never understand these mysteries all at once” (much like the ocean – where scientists discover new life all the time). “But if we open our minds to God, he reveals himself to us bit by bit.”

“My child,” the bishop of Hippo broke the news gently, turning the boy’s skinny shoulders to face the sea. He then spread his own arms wide, “You could never fit this great, magnificent ocean into that tiny hole!”

Child mystics from the 4th century, mystics everywhere have been trying to help people understand The Trinity using anything from pick seashells and holes in the beach sand in France and using oceans trying to explain the Trinity to great theologians like Saint Augustine. Then the mystics just dissappear before their very eyes only to reappear somewhere else and now are reappearing all of the time.

I know your question, How does the Trinity work?

To me From pondering the 7 gifts of The Holy Spirit and pondering the logic in the Dogmas, almost makes one a mystic. I have heard one has to know a mystic to become one, and this to me is how. To unite the common denominators of the faith, all of the Fathers of Faith and understand the common denominator as the spirit and then understand the spirit as Persons in being.

The Word is the Family of God containing the intelligence of fulfilled creation as One God and One Holy Spirit containing the Persons of The Father, The Mother and The Son. All equal in the Power of God and separately God in being and One God in the Holy Spirit, logically If one does not understand the logic then what is the peoblem?

Conceived by The Powers of the Holy Spirit, all 3 Gods of Powers, all 3, The Father, The Son and The Mother in the body of Jesus and God becoming the Immortal and incorruptibly Body of Christ for all mankind.

And I now am just generalizing the logic, with retiolale and logical beings, here, thanks in advance. All are welcome as always in all things, we know already, no preaching, only generalizing here.

Logically, retionally, Who is the Christ? The Christ is the Holy Family in the Body of Jesus from the Immaculate Conception delivered from the Ark of The New Covenant through the Virgin Birth of Jesus.

Why Virgin Birth?

Because blood and water creates the souls of all and the Souls of all of the Persons of the Trinity Preexisted as The Mother, The Father and The Son. No blood and water birth required for preexisting beings.

Why did blood and water flow from the cross, Jesus was dead? Logically, no, physically, ?, But now Jesus is alive again for all as one in being through the blood and water rebirth for all mankind, because it was our rebirth from earth back to Heaven for all, where the blood and water did flow for all mankind, from reborn immortal and incorruptible in the Baptism of the New Eve, becoming again, logically spiritually and in the One Body physically saved glorified and transfigured back from where the Holy Spirit Came, Heaven and Jesus, together with the Father and The Mother.

The logic follows what His Mother, Mary has already said, “Listen to Him”, Jesus said, “Follow me.”

Francis told members of the commission that at the next meeting of his international Council of Cardinals, “we will have a reflection on the feminine dimension of the church.”

“You can debate this, but the two principles are there,” Pope Francis said. “It is more important to have the Marian [dimension] than the Petrine,” because the church is the bride of Christ.

Logically, The Bride of Christ on Earth is the Father, Mother, and Son on earth as it is in Heaven.

“At Nicaea, faith was professed in Jesus the only-begotten Son of the Father; he became man for us and for our salvation and is ‘God from God, light from light,’” the pope said. His is “the light that illuminates existence with the love of the Father.”

and the Mother.

To me, We know in the fulfilled intelligence logic of creation the The Parents of Jesus existed before creation was ever created was even created from the Power through the One Holy Spirit for all.

Peace always,

myt Stephen Andrew

I’m sorry have to say this again, but Mary is not a divine person. She is not one of the Trinity. She is a creature.

Pope Francis is not saying she is one of the three Persons of the Trinity.

He is referring to Hans Urs Van Balthasar, who spoke of the Marian and Petrine dimensions of the Church.

While I’m not very well studied in Balthasar, I’m given to understand that the point he is making is that the Church should not be defined in terms of authority (the Petrine dimension), but in terms of receptivity and love (Marian).

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Peace to all,

And in the creation of Adam, and in the garden of Eden he had mortal eternal life as authority and spirit and life with no choice to love. God put Adam into a deep sleep and separated Adam into two equal parts by taking the rib, which is Greek for whole side of Adam and split him into two equal and separate powers equal in power and together as on I think Mary Trinity, father and son all three of them together should be family for the father son, and the mother is the Holy Spirit family eternal before Abraham I am

Thank you Father for your time, and information on Pope Francis in Rome, and God Bless you always and thanks for rereading again, for me and all.

To me, this is news I have never heard but rings true, logically, to me. I have never hear it before until about 2 months ago from just pondering the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit and reviewing the logic in the Dogmas of the Faith.

To me, I read From the Table “Miriam is the element Pope Francis is missing”

To me the Church is One Holy Catholic and Apostolic on Earth as it is in Heaven. Holy is the Father and Catholic is the Mother an Apostolic is the Son One is The Holy Spirit delivered in the Christ and left behind as The Advocate, The Paraclete for all to share as One in Being, logically, rationally. And The Eternal Priestly Authority before creation existing in the Person is Jesus.

Thank you Father, and God Bless you and always, thanks for your help.
This is just logic and generalization and for information purposes only in generalizing, and sometimes I think most people don’t even consider this as good logic, to me. Thanks for reading, Father, to me truth is in the story that never changes and the Greatest Story ever told is in the Historical non-fction book, we know as The Bible.

Please help with the logic, Thank in advance.
To me in logic and rationale, and in generalizing, Jesus existedTo me, this is news I have never heard but rings true, lo before creation as God of Justice and so did the Father as God of Creation in intelligence logic in fulfilled creation in order, logically. Mary to me is God of Mercy. Transforming into immortality and incorruption, flesh and spirit in the souls of all, logically and existed in creation logic before creation as The Mother. Each are Gods in being and equal in the powers of God and together in the one God in being, together, as One Holy Spirit, One God, to me, logically. Some where there has to be a Mother, even mentioned before Mary was born in the Old Testament as Queen of Heaven, logically.

Thanks again, Father for reading and I tell this story 11 times a day, 5 people don’t want to hear it, 5 people dont get it but 1 person understands the Logic in the Holy spirit as One in Being, from 3 Divine Persons and all God, logically preexisting in intelligence logic before creation. logically, rationally and through the Faith of Abraham.

What is missing is the Mother, to me.

In generalizing the logic is to me important. For example, what gets Baptized in Baptism is the spirit to go on and the spirit can only be Baptized through the Soul in the flesh to become again, And from the spirit through the soul for the Entire Body of God to become again in the flesh. To me, the entire Body is the Holy Spirit, to me, and One God in Being, logically. To me, this is news I have never heard but rings true to me,

If I am missing something and I am wrong, please tell me and I will understand, thank you Father.

Peace always,

Very good, actually Excellent! Now try to explain all this to our ,“Pope”, you know, the Pope that said " All religions lead to God".

Peace always,

To me OMNI I recommend and is a name and is the logical God one in being Holy Spirit, three persons in the Trinity, the father, the mother and the son together with all mankind logically, rationally, and through the faith of Abraham. What is the best name for a logical God to me? And we know the one name is theOne God.

Thanks, and logically we can explain, how to combine colors and smells, how a number can equal a letter, because if A equals B and B equals one then A equals 1.

To me, no one really understands. The logic is flawed in the Trinity because the Holy Spirit is not a person. No one quite understands it and can’t use figure out why just through simple reasoning. Logically, we have to learn hard and deep and so that we won’t forget the logic. taking a lot of thought and energy to assemble the correct logic. The intelligence logic of creation is the pattern that never fails in all cases of the fulfilled, faith and morality of the Christ becoming again in all mankind as the one Holy Spirit and God and follows that pattern of intelligence logic, never failing becoming ‘What would Jesus do in all cases of the fulfilled, faith and morality of the intelligence of creation brought to earth in the ark of the new covenant new eve body of Christ becoming again, undefiled intelligence manifesting the body internally through the soul by the power of the one Holy Spirit Family of God the Vicar of Christ on earth,” Pope Francis calls the One God. And so does prophet Muhammad reminds the One God as Allah.

To me Pope Francis generalizes of the one God together and only faithfully and/but does not logically understand, created, transformed, glorified, and transfigured logically. Through faith we trust in God through logic, we can see The Holy Spirit. To me In generalizing , the logical God and the personal God is the Holy Spirit in three persons and each God in the mother and the father and the son together as one Holy Spirit and one God Pope Francis refers to as becoming as one God and being.

To me Once we understand the logic, we can see the personal relationship, much clearer perfectly

The personal relationship with Christ is that Jesus Father and Mother are in the Trinity with Jesus and the Christ is the Holy Spirit family on earth in the flesh of Jesus becoming again at all.

I know and just off the cuff in and in beinglogical Rationally, we generalize with the atheist in generalizing and the Pope Francis reminds us to generalize and not to preach.

In generalizing, faith the same spirit with a different Gids name of the one Holy Spirit , The one personal God, and three persons of the mother, the father and the son together With all.

I asked someone that didn’t believe in God what their source of power. They said it was science, and I said science is your force of power of that manifest The greatest gift love. No one can deny the greatest gift created by Adam and Eve is love.

The logic of love is extracted to choose to love or to not love as one in being iin the holy family of the Trinity, the father, the mother and the son together and recombined in the one Holy Spirit in heaven to love and to love with only the most love as one and being.

To understand the common denominator of the faith, the spirit becomes the element and all religions look at the spirit as either a source or of power or force, but Catholics look at the spirit as a person in being in the mother of the father and the son together in one holy family becoming again the Trinity personal power in two natures spirit in life.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew

That is incorrect. The Holy Spirit is a Person.

The Holy Spirit speaks (Acts 1:16; Hebrews 3:7, 10:15), dwells in the baptized as in a temple (1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19; 2 Timothy 1:14), leads the children of God (Romans 8:14), gives testimony (Romans 8:16), asks on behalf of the saints (Romans 8:27), searches the depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:10), and is a Person to whom we can be joined (1 Corinthians 6:17).

I could go on.

The Holy Spirit is a divine Person, but he is neither the Father nor the Son. Hence the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of God or the Spirit of Jesus.

Peace to all,

To me the logical God is the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Father and God bless you. Logically, we can think of God as The personal logical God. The Holy Spirit family divine to earth back to Heaven, from logically created, through pre-existing Persons in Powers of being in intelligence, first becoming transformed through life immortality from spirit incorruption becoming again glorified and transfigured for all in One Holy Spirit, logically to me.

To me, Mary is the Holy Spirit in the New Eve, The immaculate Conception and through the virgin birth of the Christ, Jesus is in the Holy Spirit from the cross becoming again in the glorified and transfigure body for all in the Holy Spirit, Son of man from heaven.

To me thinking outloud, Son of Man from heaven is Jesus and the Holy Spirit intelligence and woman from earth is the new Eve returning back in the glorified and transfigured body in the Holy Spirit in both natures of the family Jesus delivered in the flesh becoming again and all, to me, logically.

Thanks for reading Father, and thanks for your help.

Peace always,

Peace to all,

The OMNILogical God.

The logical difference between the Immaculate Conception Mary and the Virgin Birth Jesus is Instantly Mary becomes from The Holy Spirit in the Immortal and incorruptible body through the Immaculate Conception.

And Jesus logically through the Virgin Birth becomes the first Christ first born of all creation back to heaven for all mankind, glorified, and transfigured.

In thinking forward, Mary is the first Christ of all creation delivering virgin birth to the first born Christ first, born into heaven, becoming again in all in the one Holy Spirit. We all become Christ’s and are created transformed and glorified by the Holy Spirit Family of God

Peace always,