Greetings, and a blessed Advent season to all! I have a question please. Sometimes when I go to Confession, the priest does not ask me to make an Act of Contrition. On a few occasions, I’ve asked the priest if I can say the prayer, and they’ll be okay with it. But I feel uncomfortable asking. So, my question: Is it necessary for complete absolution to say the Act of Contrition while still in the confessional? Thanks!
Interesting that you bring this up. I typed in “How to go to Reconciliation Catholic” on YouTube and one of the top videos (very good) did not mention the Act of Contrition and I commented, “Where is the Act of Contrition?” : )
I also had downloaded an App and it mentioned the Act of Contrition in a Prayer section prior to entering the Confessional, but not during.
I am curious about this as well.
My Priest did invite me to say an Act of Contrition when I went recently. I think it should be a part of Confession (if it is no longer).
Perhaps @CanadianPriest can shed some light on this.
Yes, thanks for your reply. I prefer to make an Act of Contrition at the end of confession because I’m in the presence of God through the priest. It’s like witnessing to my confession.
I don’t think I’ve ever not been told by the priest to make an act of contrition before receiving absolution. However, as far as I know, sincere contrition is the requirement, not the particular prayer or where it is said.
Peace be with you all.
An act of contrition is ordinarily part of the Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation taking place after the penitent accepts the satisfaction assigned by the confessor, but before absolution.
However, I am glad you asked this question because it gave me a chance to review the Rite of Penance. Much to my surprise, the act of contrition can be omitted; though only when there is pastoral need.
So, whether a priest could legitimately omit this is going to depend on the situation.
If I could offer two suggestions regarding this:
a) Pray an act of contrition after examining your conscience but before entering the confessional. This will help you to be well disposed regardless of whether the confessor invites you to make an act of contrition in his presence.
b) You could also silently pray an act of contrition when the confessor starts the formula of absolution. The drawback to this is that you won’t be paying attention to the words of absolution.
I should also say that I am happy to read that the priests in question have been open to you praying the act of contrition when you have asked to do so.