Moses and The Staff of Aaron

Peace to all,

Sometimes I ponder the gifts trying to understand the Mind of the Universe. “How does He do it.”

The New Moses resurrects The Body in two natures, God and Temple, becoming again, One Holy Spirit, logically.

“Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life.”
-John 3:14-15

Look past God’s servant Moses, and see the God who delivers both righteous judgment and loving mercy. Look past the snake on the pole and see the Savior on the cross.

To me, The OMNIlogical God is the same God of Abraham and Jacob and the Same God of the prophet Muhammad.

We become again united as one in being, all together through all of the Wondrous Mysteries of the faith in The Christ.

The Wondrous Mysteries of the faith are aspects of the Christian faith that are considered mysterious. These mysteries include the Incarnation, the Eucharist, the Immaculate Conception, and the Holy Trinity. AI Labs overview

Baptism and Penance are Sacraments of Death to life, flesh and spirit, Body and God, respectively.

To me, Baptism is Sanctification from the living waters of Baptism for the flesh becoming through the New Eve, Mary, becoming immortality in the flesh for the soul becoming incorruptible through the Holy Spirit and becoming again re-Sanctified and Confirmed into the Will of Creation through Penance from the Words of Absolution Forgiven and from Sacrifice and in Communion with the New Adam, Jesus, we become again glorified and transfigured in One Holy Spirit Family in One God in being together, for all, logically, to me.

Through all of the logical Wondrous Mysteries of the Faith, uniter in the One Holy Spirit.

Peace always,
20th Century Catholic Logician